silvio_mitsubishi's profile

115 Messages


1.8K Points

Monday, September 5th, 2022 9:21 AM



Crazy credits

Ref: #220902-180159-188000

I have twice reported a supposed ‘crazy credit’ that does not appear in the credits at all. On the first attempt you told me to check submission guidelines. I did, and found that not only was I correct but also that the original comment DID NOT meet your standards for formatting.

When I resubmitted the correction, it was refused on formatting grounds - a ludicrous suggestion as there is no set format to fellow, simply a plain English explanation.

I am beginning to feel that your own moderators don’t know the guidelines they are working to, or are deliberately blocking corrections to allow wrong information to stay on the site. This makes no sense.

IMDb is a respected website for movie buffs, but it is losing credibility as increasingly religious (and predominantly Christian) values are appearing in the parents’ guide, snide comments and wild allegations are being posted as reviews, and posters feel it acceptable to comment on films they have not seen. This is all made worse by moderators’ responses to corrections and deletions, which can seem entirely random and divorced from common sense.



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

2 years ago

Hi -


Sorry for the late response, we are working through our backlog.


Just to be clear, the crazy credit should be deleted? or should it be corrected?



115 Messages


1.8K Points

2 years ago




5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@silvio_mitsubishi​ Crazy Credit deleted.


115 Messages


1.8K Points

Thank you.