kevin_shaw_k7ryfsp8wh8j0's profile

11 Messages


3.3K Points

Wednesday, August 28th, 2019 9:32 PM

No Status


Could we please have a separate "Colorist Department"

The role of Colorist and related jobs such as color timer, conforming, finishing, versioning, HDR etc. really need to be in their own category. It can be very hard to find who did the grading and finishing on a project, colorists are scattered between editorial, visual effects and maybe some other departments at the moment. Also listing Colorists in editorial is very misleading and confuses people about the responsibilities of the colorists and associates. For a good description of possible colorist duties see
Thank you for your support

1 Message


120 Points

5 years ago

Finally! Thank you Kevin for your dedication!

1 Message


100 Points

5 years ago

Sounds good to me.

1 Message


184 Points

5 years ago

Yes please!

1 Message


142 Points

5 years ago

This is a great idea! Colorists should be listed in title opening credits in movies too, right along side of the DP, director, and actors. Not hidden in the end credits.

1 Message


104 Points

5 years ago

I vote in favor! Lets get out of the dark rooms and into our own category!

8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

5 years ago

The Colorist etc must belong to a Union ? ?
Have this Union suggest to the studios to change the location on the screen credits list

IMDb adds this list to their pages



4K Messages


244.1K Points

ACT_1 I've asked, they do have a union (CSI - Colorist Society International) of which the idea author is a leader. 

1 Message


102 Points

5 years ago

I agree. Colorist credit should definitely be in its own category. Thanks Kevin.

1 Message


142 Points

5 years ago

I agree too Kevin. Thks for the idea and the move.

1 Message


120 Points

5 years ago

I totally agree! I think its a really good idea!

2 Messages


174 Points

5 years ago

Totally agree, I usually put my grading credits under visual effects which is, to my mind, only slightly less misleading than editorial department on IMDB.

1 Message


128 Points

5 years ago

Thanks Kavin for begin new era



4K Messages


244.1K Points

As much as I agree with Kevin Shaw, he hardly began anything with this suggestion: it's not the first of this exact formulation and making a separate department for color correction is not of immediate concern for IMDb, as of now. 

2 Messages


174 Points

It might not be the first of this exact formulation, but it is an idea that won't move forward without discussion. That's how things change for the better.

2.5K Messages


69.1K Points

Just out of curiosity Max. Are you saying that you deliberately submit credits to ”wrong” department? Or do you mean that there are ”visual effects colorist”, and then there are more traditional colorists?

I see you’ve a lot of ”colorist/colourist” credits in Visual Effects department. Are you usually submitting them yourself (the production companies doesn’t submit them?)? None of these are ”uncredited” credits?

1 Message


102 Points

Long overdue. Makes sense and will clear up a lot of confusion.

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102 Points

My father has been doing this job for over 43 years and during my 23 years as a colorist I often heard these words "the colorist must have his own identity and not be confused in adjacent or similar production willing roles" in a nutshell I find myself very much in agreement with this proposal. I hope that this topic can be really well received.

1 Message


162 Points

5 years ago

Makes good sense and will make the colorist role much easier to define for producers

1 Message


106 Points

5 years ago

I agree, great initiative Kevin!

1 Message


126 Points

5 years ago

I think this is a very good idea, but in my opinion we should define better the name of the department and all the roles that would belong in it

11 Messages


3.3K Points

5 years ago

I agree - that needs to be done in order to implement the proposal. Lets start the list here.
I do feel Color Department is the obvious choice, but open to suggestions: 
Job descriptions listed so far by myself and others are: (please add/comment as you see fit)
Digital Colorist
DI Colorist
DI Finishing
Supervising Colorist
Mastering Colorist
Assistant Colorist
Dailies Colorist
On Set Colorist
Color Timer (lab)
Finishing Artist
HDR Colorist
Restoration Artist
Look Development
Color Scientist
Trailer Colorist

3 Messages


142 Points

How about a  category named something along the lines of 'Finishing'?

That way it can encompass colourists as well as non-colour roles such as DI/finishing artists, online editors, conform editors, mastering editors etc. 

11 Messages


3.3K Points

I think Color is more intuitive - and as has been pointed out jobs like restoration, on set colorist and look development dont fit so well into Finishing. Lets discuss this more privately in the Colorist Society forum and have one voice going forward. Thanks

11 Messages


3.3K Points

Lead colorist
Junior Colorist
Additional Colorist
Senior Finishing Artist

3 Messages


226 Points

Hi Kevin, Personally, I don't like the term Junior Colorist. The Junior somehow doesn't come together with colorist, the person who knows a lot about post-production, cameras, data, color etc. It sounds like Junior Director or Junior Cameraman. I would go for Assistant only. And that can be more than 1 like ADs or ACs.
In my opinion the list would be:Lead Colorist
Digital Colorist
DI Colorist
DI Finishing
Supervising Colorist
Mastering ColoristAdditional Colorist
Assistant Colorist
Dailies Colorist
On Set Colorist
Color Timer (lab)
Finishing ArtistSenior Finishing Artist 
HDR Colorist
Restoration Artist
Look Development
Color Scientist
Trailer Colorist



4K Messages


244.1K Points

Darius Family I believe that is the problem: for now there's Editorial department and it houses most of the aspects of post-production apart from sound and visual effects. Why it was not renamed as Post-Production years ago is a good question. 

3 Messages


226 Points

Also I think we should start this (as many of us already doing it). I always tell to production that I need proper recognition on the credit list . Instead of being hidden somewhere deep in a massive credit list...



4K Messages


244.1K Points

Lajos Pataki it just occured to me... Is there any large association of colorists out there? Because separate department on IMDb as well as main titles are often regulated by such: SAG-AFTRA (actors), DGA (directors), WGA (writers), PGA (producers), CSA (casting) and the list goes on: editors and cinematographers have them too. 

Maybe one of the keys to the problem is to have such an association and/or not join editor's one, which I think might happen (but I don't know for sure)?

3 Messages


246 Points

There is one it is called CSI



4K Messages


244.1K Points

Margus Voll, great thanks for info, never heard of them. 

4 Messages


726 Points

Kevin Shaw, the author of the post, is actually the President of the CSI

3 Messages


226 Points

Yes, as they say. CSI . Join!

1 Message


128 Points

The point is the enhancement of color treatment in the last 15 years. It is one of the most involved in the digital explosion of these last years.  

Today it's not a matter of chemical/technical workflows but there is a whole world of people involved in development of styles, looks, technical decisions and relative assistant, supervisors etc. Now we have lots of people involved in color's pipelines and we still get LOTS of different color pipelines. 

We need today a Color category because today EXIST a color category. 

my two cent.

1 Message


82 Points

Color Department makes sense. It should be added to the list