niall_williamson's profile

118 Messages


3.3K Points

Tuesday, August 27th, 2024 8:06 PM


Contribution declined

My correction for a piece of trivia for Russell Crowe is declined and I don’t understand why.

The reference number is #240826-012434-517000



5.4K Messages


56.9K Points

1 month ago

Hi @niall_williamson -

The original piece of trivia was not eligible, so we did not accept the change as the original was also deleted, award information belongs in the award section, see our help guides for more.


118 Messages


3.3K Points

@Bethanny​ thing is I’ve edited other trivia like that and they were approved with no issues

Here are some examples: #240828-182905-845000 and #240828-182920-665000




5.4K Messages


56.9K Points

@niall_williamson​ Hi!
Due to the amount of data our editors process everyday mistakes can happen, as mentioned before, data that belongs on other places of the site, as awards, do not belong in trivia like you can see in the help guides I linked above.
