18 Messages
300 Points
Contribution Declined for Not Following Guidelines
I have been making contributions for almost 20 years. Most have been accepted. But some have been declined, reworked, declined, reworked, and declined again with the only direction being to refer to your guidelines, which didn't offer any help. This infuriated me so that I gave up contributing for two years. I was drawn back, but it's happening again with reference to not complying with formatting standards. I have compared mine to mine and others that were accepted and I don't see the problem. We don't get paid for this. I have no personal connection to these two submissions. Most of us do this for love of cinema. The two most recent contributions to be declined for this reason are 2023-11-19 02:26:21 and 2023-11-11-17:54:6. I have seen in other posts you have supplied some specificity. Can you for me?
7.5K Messages
277K Points
1 year ago
John and Glen:
Please post your last full data submissions here on this message board. You can copy them out of the receipts you would have received from IMDb by e-mail immediately after sending them in. Some of the regulars on the board may review them and, if they can, they may provide suggestions as to how to improve the submissions to get them included in the database. (Also, please include the submission reference number -- it's an 18-digit number that will look something like 230123-123456-789000.)