3 Messages
90 Points
Contribution approved but incomplete on IMDB
Hi everyone! I made a contribution to add a cast member to a film. The cast/crew member did not have an existing IMDB profile. The contribution was approved and since then I have seen that a profile has been made for that person, however it is not linked to the film, and has not appeared in the cast/crew list.Should I add a new contribution to the profile or wait and the profile will be linked to the film in due course?
2.1K Messages
21.7K Points
1 month ago
Hi @mccauel, I can see that the credit has been approved. So there is no need to re-submit anything. However, please refer to the FAQ in our Adding filmography credits Help guide: The credit shows as approved but it's not on the page All credits on the page are 'uncredited' - Our display logic requires at least one fully credited listing on a name page before anything will show. This means if a page has only uncredited listings it will appear empty, even if your addition has been approved. Once a fully credited position is added to the page, all (uncredited) data will also appear.You can learn more about "uncredited" in our article What does uncredited mean? I hope this helps!