1 Message


70 Points

Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 4:15 PM


Confusion on accounts.

I have IMDP pro and there is a regular IMDB page. I want to combine the two. The Pro account has my current photos and my reel. The regular account has all my credits and old pictures..I tried to combine them via the steps that Jolene gave me in an emial but it doing t work. Can I speak with tech support tom get this right? Ive asked for years to get help with this????

8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

4 months ago

@Malibug 😀

Joined on May 1, 2024

Post links here to the 2 accounts??




17.2K Messages


310K Points

4 months ago

Hi @Malibug -

Just to clarify, the IMDb version and Pro version of a name page are in fact the same page listing, it is just displayed differently on each platform.  Since the page is the same there will be nothing to merge.

However, if you have multiple page listings on the site, for example, you are listed under "Jake Smith" and "Jake Ryan Smith", this would be a scenario where you have two separate name page listings and a merge would be required. 

Let us know if you have further questions!