thevictor's profile

7 Messages


232 Points

Thursday, March 9th, 2017 2:28 PM


Confusion about Episode Sequence Numbers on the "Adding a New Episode" Page

There are many, many posts about episode season/number corrections and many complaints that people aren't numbering episodes properly.
A lot of the confusion is due to the way episode sequence numbers are inputted on the "Adding a New Episode" page.
Many contributors likely miss the instruction to add episode numbers as Season-dot-Number.
A lot of the confusion would be alleviated by having two separate input fields: one for the season and another for the episode number, instead of the present combined field that's just called "Number".



4.8K Messages


98.5K Points

7 years ago


The idea is not bad, but in that case you have to add data in two separate places (boxes). Now, we just add it all in just one box - the season number as well as the episode number.

I prefer the current format.