phillip's profile

127 Messages


2.3K Points

Wednesday, June 14th, 2023 3:15 PM


Cheyenne TV Series Trivia: Status of Clint Walkers Shirt


Can a staff member please delete these.

To give you context, many years ago there was a contributor (I wont mention his user name) who became obsessed with shirtless men in TV westerns and gladiator things. (I wish I was making this up) He would write these really creepy reviews that had nothing to do with the episode but the whole review would usually review the torture sequence, advertise his book, and be written in a wannabe homoerotic format. 

Anyways one of the people he was obsessed with was Clint Walker among others. Can a staff member go to his old contributions (he's been deceased for several years) and remove his "shirtless" trivia. He virtually went to every episode of the tv series Cheyenne and felt the need to put whether Clint Walker was wearing a shirt in the episode. I'm sure he sadly did it a few other times.

So every episode has this or a variation of this trivia which obviously should have never been accepted.


2.5K Messages


69.2K Points

1 year ago

This so-called ”shirtless" trivia is a pretty standard stuff on IMDb nowadays, it seems. What certain actors did to gain muscles, what was their body fat at the time etc. A bit silly trivia to be honest, but I guess interesting for some people.

But your examples are something different for sure, and should be removed.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

@eboy​ 😀


Wednesday, June 16th, 2021

Why do I keep seeing "voluptuous figure" in the trivia section of actresses?
It's not trivia and is a very weird thing to point out.

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Michelle, Employee
Hi DRO827-
These are not valid trivia items and should be removed.
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Peter_pbn, Champion
There's a search for this.

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Michelle, Employee
Hi Peter -
Thanks for posting the Search link, 
these Trivia items have now been removed.

 29 names Thursday, June 15th, 2023

= = =

Wednesday, March 10th, 2021
Live Poll: Characters in Underpants
Who is your favorite character in underpants?





17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

1 year ago

Hi @phillip -

Thanks for your report.  Upon investigating I identified all related invalid trivia items of this nature and have removed them.  I have also taken additional measures to help prevent a recurrence.  If you happen to encounter any others like this on the site let us know!

Thanks again!