matthew_robillard's profile

1 Message


70 Points

Wednesday, May 16th, 2018 3:58 PM


Changing the IMDB Development listing criteria: We'd like to hear your opinion!

I’m a producer who’s been having difficulty getting my development titles approved
for listing on IMDB Pro.

They suggested I reach out to fellow my IMDBers to see what you thought in terms of adjusting the development title listing approval criteria.

A key impediment is the requirement that a development title be cited in the trade press (i.e. Deadline, Variety, etc.) in order to get approved.

I think that’s onerous.

The trades will only write about projects with announced attachments (i.e. talent, directors, writers, etc), or greenlights issued by a studio or network.

In both cases, the development process will have been going on for several months or years before ever reaching that stage.

In my opinion, development is about developing and shaping material, whereas attachments are about shopping a project that’s already been developed, and is now ready to go to market.

What do you think?

Do you think the IMDB Pro development listing criteria should be revised so as to not require trade media mentions?

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