thomas's profile

181 Messages


4.8K Points

Wednesday, December 14th, 2016 9:12 PM


Changes to movie connection submissions

Hi all,

We have created a new form to capture submission requests for the following movie connection categories:

  • Followed by/Follows
  • Version of
  • Alternative language version of
All other connection categories (spoofs, references, remakes, features etc.) can still be updated via the regular submission route on IMDb title pages (click 'edit page' and select 'connections' from the list of options).

The new form will be in place while we carry out essential behind-the-scenes maintenance work. Requests sent via the new form will be reviewed and processed regularly.

To read more about connection categories and what they mean, please see our submission guide. If you have any trouble using the new form please let us know in the comments below.

Kind regards,



7.4K Messages


276.1K Points

8 years ago

Tom: Could you please add a prominent notice near the top of that page for people who are not logged in, to say, "Please log in to IMDb in order to use this page"?

In the past I have tried to refer people to the Help Desk contact form at, but they came away frustrated because they weren't logged in and the page didn't specify that they were supposed to be logged in to use the page. This new form for movie connections is similar.

181 Messages


4.8K Points

8 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion, Gromit. I've added a note to the top of the new form (should go live in the next few hours). I'll talk to the appropriate teams about improving the messaging on our other contact forms as well.



7.4K Messages


276.1K Points

8 years ago

Tom: Sorry, it looks like this note was added "backwards".

If you are logged in to IMDb and view the new form, you will see a note at the top of the page that says, "Please note you need to be logged in to IMDb to use this form."

But if you are not logged in, you don't see that note. Only people who are not logged in need to be told that they should log in to use the form, but now only people who are logged in are told that.

Could you please change it so that the notice goes only to the people who are not logged in?

139 Messages


3.3K Points

8 years ago

That's great that there's a new form. There are a couple of problems with it though. When deleting a connection, the form still requires the movie connection reason field. Also, there doesn't seem to be any clear way of adding multiple titles to a complex connection at the same time; the form seems to only want two titles to be connected at once. If I want to connect a bunch of different titles all based on the same book, for example, I'd have to send the form for each of them individually.

139 Messages


3.3K Points

Also, now that Follows / Followed By can't be seen on the editing screen, the Reason for that connection is not visible anywhere, making the Reason redundant.

71 Messages


2.6K Points

Another problem is that "Follows / Followed By" is lumped into one category, so you can't choose the appropriate ordering.

The default order would be assumed to be by the release date. However, this movie connections page submitted using the new form lists "Followed By", but the connected title has an earlier release date and should be the other way around.

9 Messages


252 Points

8 years ago

Why do I need to put both "Name of title" and "URL of IMDb title page"? Isn't it enough to put only URL?
In previous variant it was possible to search titles in adding form and easily find all adaptations of one and the same novel, for instance. But now it just takes one link without even choosing between "follows" and "is followed" (some misunderstanding is possible).
And I agree with Matt - the impossibility of putting several connected titles simultaneously is disappointing.