benmo_ben's profile

39 Messages


978 Points

Friday, December 1st, 2017 3:56 AM


Changes to company credits

Clicking on Company Credits ... See more>> or individual Production Co. it send u on IMDbPro  log in page, I assume it's a clinch.

This conversation is no longer open for comments or replies and is no longer visible to community members.



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

7 years ago

Thanks for the problem report. We have opened a ticket with the appropriate team.

122 Messages


3.8K Points

7 years ago

Thanks a lot. I've been experiencing the same problem as many others as well. :-( Not only by clicking on Company Credits, but just searching for an individual company (production, distributor or whatever) also sends me direct to IMDb Pro. Once again, thanks a lot. :-)

4 Messages


206 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Company credits.

Company credits now part of IMDBPro or is this an issue (11/30/17 checking sends me to imdbpro to login)

Note: This conversation was created from a reply on: Why can't I see the company credits for the movies and TV shows on IMDb?.

6 Messages


274 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Company credits.

If this is a bug it seems to have returned because today I'm getting the same issue of clicking company credits instantly links me to Pro.

Note: This conversation was created from a reply on: Why can't I see the company credits for the movies and TV shows on IMDb?.

7 Messages


310 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Company Pages.

I've been an IMDB user for years. I had always used the 'character' pages to find upcoming and past films. So I am really sad to see that go. But I was feeling okay, because I have always used the company pages to do the same thing. 

So today, when I clicked on a company page and was directed to IMDBpro (which I am not a member of) I was a bit confused. Why aren't the company pages free anymore? I love IMDB but it is increasingly becoming less useful to me. 



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

7 years ago

The issue with the title/companycredits page has been resolved now. Sorry for the inconvenience. You should be able access pages such as again.

7 Messages


310 Points

I am still being directed to IMDBpro

6 Messages


274 Points

I'm having the same problem when I try to look at a company's filmography.  I know the advanced information like contact is always for Pro Membership but basic film list was always free.

35 Messages


860 Points

I can third this:  I can go to the Company Credits page like normal - i.e. , but when I click into the company, it still re-directs to IMDBPro.

Personally, I prefer the classic IMDB list layout so hopefully this bug gets fixed soon (plus, as has been pointed out, not everyone is a Pro member).



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

Sorry for the lack of clarity on our part here, the issue with title/companycredits is indeed fixed and the redirection was an accident. 

Unfortunately as part of the old company filmography pages are deliberately now only available on IMDbPro.  The company filmography pages were served from our old software platform which is being retired shortly. The complexities of trying to tie company credits across different branches and subsidiaries is not something we can easily represent within the consumer focused main website, sorry. 

In keeping with the Get Satisfaction announcement referenced in the previous paragraph, over the long term, if we cannot do something properly, simply and consistently across all IMDb consumer web site and mobile app platforms, we are (mostly) no longer going to do it at all. Company filmography falls into this category and is now only supported on IMDbPro as it is more of an entertainment industry focused feature in any case. 

11 Messages


372 Points

IDMB is rippping us off now by putting certain detals of producitons and distributors which used to be free on IDMB Pro where i have to pay $149.99 per year or $19.99 per month all i want to know is what other movies these companies have made i i should not have to pay for that

11 Messages


372 Points

 can you at least let us access the company Company filmography for free 

11 Messages


372 Points

I mean like you can already  see certain films and television has made for free but when you click on see all past films or television that when the sign up thing comes up 

8.2K Messages


173K Points

For example  I used to be able to go on Lifetime Television [us] 
and see what movies they have made now i have to pay to access  it on IMDB PRO
by Clay Weintraub
Joined on December 2, 2017
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Lifetime Television [us] (Distributor)
goes to

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11 Messages


372 Points

I am not paying 150 dollars for information that used to be free 

11 Messages


372 Points

my parents will not let me even if i wanted too 

11 Messages


372 Points

besides, i can see certain films for free i would just like to see all of them for free 



135 Messages


7K Points

Please refer to the reply from our CEO & Founder above:

Unfortunately as part of the old company filmography pages are deliberately now only available on IMDbPro.  The company filmography pages were served from our old software platform which is being retired shortly. The complexities of trying to tie company credits across different branches and subsidiaries is not something we can easily represent within the consumer focused main website, sorry. 

In keeping with the Get Satisfaction announcement referenced in the previous paragraph, over the long term, if we cannot do something properly, simply and consistently across all IMDb consumer web site and mobile app platforms, we are (mostly) no longer going to do it at all. Company filmography falls into this category and is now only supported on IMDbPro as it is more of an entertainment industry focused feature in any case. 



135 Messages


7K Points

Please refer to the reply from our CEO & Founder above:

Unfortunately as part of the old company filmography pages are deliberately now only available on IMDbPro.  The company filmography pages were served from our old software platform which is being retired shortly. The complexities of trying to tie company credits across different branches and subsidiaries is not something we can easily represent within the consumer focused main website, sorry. 

In keeping with the Get Satisfaction announcement referenced in the previous paragraph, over the long term, if we cannot do something properly, simply and consistently across all IMDb consumer web site and mobile app platforms, we are (mostly) no longer going to do it at all. Company filmography falls into this category and is now only supported on IMDbPro as it is more of an entertainment industry focused feature in any case. 

8.2K Messages


173K Points

Please refer to the reply from our CEO & Founder above:
“Unfortunately as part of
the old company filmography pages are deliberately now only available on IMDbPro..."
by Lina, Official Rep
- - -

So,  When will all Titles and Name pages be only supported on IMDbPro ??
IMDb Database Statistics
Titles: 4,664,622
People: 8,284,271

"People" should be changed to "Names" here ??
Not all Names are People
Some are dogs and horses and objects etc...

11 Messages


372 Points

I know that but I was just saying you  can already view some of the companies  filmography  for free it's  only when  I click on see past television  or films the sign-up thing comes up it would be nice to see all the company filmography for free on IMDB pro 

8.2K Messages


173K Points

IMDb Database Statistics
Titles: 4,664,622
People: 8,284,271

Cosita rica (2003–2004)
Episode #1.96

Bryant Deal
The Springs Angry Driver

8.2K Messages


173K Points
This conversation has been merged.
Please reference the main conversation: Company Credits

For example  I used to be able to go on Lifetime Television [us] 
and see what movies they have made now i have to pay to access  it on IMDB PRO
by Clay Weintraub
Joined on December 2, 2017
- - -
Lifetime Television [us] (Distributor)
goes to

Become an IMDbPro Member Today
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By ACT_1 - Dec 2 2017 11:37[settings][filte...

246 Messages


4.7K Points

So we are never going to see companies' filmography credits ever again in our lives and only on IMDb Pro?!? Man that sucks!!



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

Please see our responses further below. Our plan is to restore them via enhancements to the advanced title search. For example (from the limited set available today):

23 Messages


1.2K Points

As I explained below (yesterday), in the most-liked reply in the thread, this is astonishingly terrible plan.

4 Messages


396 Points

The old function was fine. An advanced search function to replace a single click is just long and people won't buy IMDb Pro for it, they'll just Google the company filmography instead.

7 Messages


310 Points

7 years ago

While I do thank you for your honesty, it's worth mentioning that you have just eliminated many of the reasons I use IMDB in the first place. I used the company pages to help me find many of the upcoming films, including many older films that I would not have known about otherwise.

I understand nothing can be done about this, but as a user (and not just a browser) this is very unfortunate. As you say, many of the features are a decade old, but many of us have been here using ALL Of those features for that decade. 

I am sad to see these features go, but again thank you for your honesty.



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

Thanks for the feedback -- we are interested in your use case here so we can look at alternatives.  Would you mind giving some examples about how you have used the company filmography pages to make viewing decisions or find films? 

7 Messages


310 Points

Specifically, if I go to "Walt DIsney Pictures" company page, I can find titles that have no cast or even writers attached to them yet. I admit that I have many films in my watchlist that are not due to be released for many years. But certain titles which may not be released  for years may spark my interest. Honestly, they give me something to look forward too.

Titles like "Untitled x project" are also found under company pages, and depending on what the 'x' stands for, they can also spark my interest.

Also, under companies which are much smaller, like "The Asylum" - I know, they're so bad but they are a guilty pleasure - often the only way I was ever to come across their new titles was through their company page on IMDB. Their Wikipedia page is unreliable and often they don't update their Youtube until it is time for the film's release.



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

Thanks, this is very useful.



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

A quick follow-up, please see the reply below to Chribren.  In your first example, the Disney company would link to and then clicking to sort by year would generate,desc

At the moment advanced title search at just supports eight companies.  We are looking at supporting all companies and then linking the company names across IMDb to the corresponding search.  Does this sound okay? 

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

There are movies, shows and games in which civil service agencies, film commissions, libraries, hospitals, foundations or organizations of varieties of other kinds are credited: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Navy. Air Force, Coast Guard and National Air and Space Museum, for instances. The filmography information is not easy to find elsewhere, and searching for it via a web search engine will most certainly produce false positives very frequently. It's not hard to understand what the problem with changing the system around is. By all means, please expand the functionality of the Advanced Title Search, but understand that in the mean time, you're depriving non-Pro IMDb subscribers, some of whom have helped build your site up.

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

7 years ago

Thanks for the honesty, too. But I am a user, and I have also worked in the IT business for more than 20 years, and witnessed its evolutions: methods, technologies, focuses, capabilities, etc. And therefore I do not understand how you can let go things like this.
Obviously IMDb is now aiming at serving the US movie industry. Period. How can you expect to rely on free collaborative input so Amazon can make money with the accumulated data?

The good news is that you are giving away some room for authoritative alternate film data sources, more interested in the universal film history and culture and accuracy. IMDb may be big but its relevance is getting questioned by each new annoucement. As pointed out but several senior users lately, you are not too big to fail...
As fas as I am concerned, as long as flat files with the present full data sets will be available, I will keep on contributing. Then I will be very sorry to turn the page.




7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

Thanks for the honesty, too. But I am a user, and I have also worked in the IT business for more than 20 years, and witnessed its evolutions: methods, technologies, focuses, capabilities, etc. And therefore I do not understand how you can let go things like this. 
Please see our comments above and -- happy to answer questions on the other thread. 

Obviously IMDb is now aiming at serving the US movie industry. Period. How can you expect to rely on free collaborative input so Amazon can make money with the accumulated data?
The reverse is true -- one of the reasons for deprecating the old systems is they are not remotely compatible with our international expansion plans, and are holding us back from being less US focused.  We have a whole section and experience dedicated to India as covered on but it is only available in English because of some of these old system limitations. 

As fas as I am concerned, as long as flat files with the present full data sets will be available, I will keep on contributing. Then I will be very sorry to turn the page.
We are making more data available, updated more frequently and in a format which makes it easy to parse and process.  You do need to be a contributor for the full set but we consider this a reasonable requirement.  Please see (in S3 at the moment but we are working on a solution over http for early 2018 as mentioned in the thread).

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

The manner of the upgrades is mainly designed to accommodate the lowest common denominator of client platforms that exist. It would seem that, save for the advanced search tools, anything that cannot be available through the IMDb app for mobile devices (or for stuff like Roku units and video game consoles) will not be available through the IMDb conventional website. What has been done with the IMDb API, in its transition from the FTP sites to the Amazon Web Services' S3, is largely a joke. The quantity of types of data have been reduced rather than expanded. Contributors have complained about all these things, and have gotten either nearly zero feedback or lame excuses.

84 Messages


1.8K Points

"You do need to be a contributor for the full set but we consider this a reasonable requirement. "

I am a contributor and I still can't find where I can access the full set. Can you please assist me?

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

He is probably referring to top contributors. To be honest, the fact that we have to ask signifies that he provided us with a lazy reply.

84 Messages


1.8K Points

Can someone from IMDB please respond to me on this?



14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

7 years ago

I am a bit concerned that contributors will not always be able to choose the correct companies to add to titles if they can't see their previous filmographies.



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

Thanks, this is good feedback. 



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

We have an idea for solution, using advanced title search with full company search support rather than just the eight currently supported.  Does this sound okay?



14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

That sounds good. I think there have been requests for such a search option in the past.

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

It looks like a good workaround as well, considering the potential complexity of entity relationships and changes of names. Thanks.



14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

And as well, the existing company search options may have inaccurate results:

84 Messages


1.8K Points

"We have an idea for solution, using advanced title search with full company search support rather than just the eight currently supported.  Does this sound okay?"


Thank you :)

17 Messages


380 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Data of production companies.

I cannot get to any data of TV or movie production companies previous works - titles I used to get in the past over Imdb.
Every name I try I end up on the pro subscription site.
 Is Imdb trying to scare all its users away?
No one will pay their monthly fees for something you can look up over Google.

122 Messages


3.8K Points

7 years ago

I just came home after visiting my family for weekend. But as a faithful member of the IMDb, I don't want to become a member of IMDb Pro just for the company credits. Company filmographies have been one of the biggest reasons I use IMDb since I signed into the site for the first time, and how it's become now, I will not be able to find out what company made "this" and "that" movie anymore thanks to the IMDb Pro. I refuse to see that change being permanent, and I'm not alone on this. I see many contributors and ordinary IMDb users have been complaining about this since the problem began.

And what about the non-member visitors who just wants to look up at upcoming and previous movies coming from companies like Twentieth Century Fox, and instead they have to register themselves and become members of IMDb Pro just for that. The same if anyone would like to look up to rare companies like JC Films [mx], extinct companies like Edison Manufactoring Company, and animal rights groups like PETA.

And not all people have enough money to become a member of that IMDb Pro.

I'm sorry, but I think this leads to more frustration among the users. So I ask any of the IMDb staff to please make the company filmographies free again, and remove the IMDb Pro redirection, not only for my sake, but for all of the IMDb users as well.

However, this is just my opinion, and I'm sorry if I sound little bit harsh on some parts of my comment. It's just the fact I'm concerned on behalf of the IMDb users who've also been using company filmographies like I've been doing. And if the IMDb Pro redirection remains permanent, then I feel like I'm going crazy.

Sincirely, Chribren



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

Thanks for the feedback and the context of your usage.  We are discussing options here at the moment. 

122 Messages


3.8K Points

Okay, thank you for your reply. By the way, as someone who's been using IMDb since the mid-2000s, I'm okay with several of the other changes as already announced on, and I'm happy the IMDb will do anything to make improvements for their users, and grow the site's content. It was just now, right here, for the company filmographies, I and many others had to put my feet down on the floor and speak out, since as of now, I and the other users can only search for titles, people and some other stuff, not companies unless we become IMDb Pro members. Besides from everything I've said, I agree with the other Get Satisfaction members on all the other opinions and reasons mentioned, prior to my comment.

I use the IMDb a lot, mainly for fun. And I like to contribute on the site by adding new titles or extra content on existing titles. Speaking of companies, I've been using companies like JC Films, Fernsehen der DDR, MarVista Entertainment, Xces Film, Paramount Pictures, PETA, MPAA, and many more. It was through that kind of searching I've been finding many movie titles I haven't known about, and it was through MarVista I've got to know about "Kiddo the Super-Truck", which I streamed several days ago, just to make an example. The same with searching for titles and directors unheard for me.

So for the time being, I cross my fingers for the company filmography to become free again, and lots of the other features to remain free, even with the new software system. Then I, along with other users and contributors, will be enjoying the site to the fullest again like before. And I don't use any program like AdBlock on the IMDb.



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

Thanks for the extra details on your usage.  We have taken another look at this and the best way to build this with the new system would be as a search result.  We already offer limited company searches on the advanced title search page at so for example, wherever we reference "20th Century Fox" on the site, the company name would be linked to the corresponding search results, as in 

The same would apply for all companies, so in your examples, companies like JC Films, Fernsehen der DDR, MarVista Entertainment, Xces Film, Paramount Pictures, PETA, MPAA etc. would be linked to their advanced search results similar to Fox. 

Does this sound okay? 

122 Messages


3.8K Points

It may feel kinda unusual for me in the beginning, since we've been used to simply write a company, click, and we're right on the company. But I guess I may give it a chance. The limited company search as it is temporarily seems like a nice step further in the new advanced search results, so getting to search on all of the thousands of the other companies right there would be a great fun as it was before with the old software system. But I will let you know if something comes up in my heart and mind regarding this. Give us a message when this change is about to be completed, as I feel kinda excited about this. :-)

23 Messages


1.2K Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Company Links Redirected to IMDBPro Again.

It appears as if this is an old bug that has been solved in the past. As of today, I can't get a list of films that A24 or Sundance has distributed; instead I'm offered an opportunity to sign up for Pro. This happens whether I'm clicking on a link on a film's main page or searching for the company.



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

We have taken another look at this and the best way to build this with the new system would be as a search result. 

From an example above:

We already offer limited company searches on the advanced title search page at so for example, wherever we reference "20th Century Fox" on the site, the company name would be linked to the corresponding search results, as in
Does this sound okay? 



14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

I suppose the search results would not be able to distinguish between different types of credits (production, distributor, etc)?

23 Messages


1.2K Points

"If we cannot do something properly, simply and consistently across all IMDb consumer web site and mobile app platforms, we are (mostly) no longer going to do it at all. Company filmography falls into this category and is now only supported on IMDbPro as it is more of an entertainment industry focused feature in any case."

It's clear to me (as a former coder) that there will be non-zero work involved with the search solution, and significantly more work to restore the original functionality. IOW, what "simply" here means, is *inexpensively*. Hence the "(mostly)" qualifier -- you decide which features are worth retaining and which are not worth the effort.

I'm rather boggled that you would regard this as something you can punt.

Having some links on the main page direct to Pro -- completely disrupting the user experience -- is itself inconsistent. It's textbook bad user interface design. That it's *mostly * of interest to pros is a terrible justification. You don't put a key link in the corner of the screen because that's mostly problematical for people with slow visual search. You want to accommodate all your users.

That it looks like it was done out of *corporate greed* makes it even worse. Those of us who routinely look at company data will admittedly get used to using whatever search solution you come up with. But what about casual users of the corporate links? What about the film buff who comes home from seeing The Disaster Artist, recognizes A24 as the distributor, and has a vague memory that they also distributed one or more of Lady Bird, The Florida Project, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, Good Time, and A Ghost Story? And now they're curious about the company. When they try to verify their vague memory at IMDB in the most obvious way, by clicking on the A24 link on the Disaster Artist page, they're going to be asked to sign up for Pro. Now they have to either sign up for a trial, or back out of the sign-up dialogue box and try Wikipedia for the info. Really?

Secondly, company data is still data. Where does your data come from in the first place? There is no U.S. distributor listed for the recent, highly acclaimed indie film Columbus. Google says it was distributed by the Sundance Institute, but BoxOfficeMojo has the distributor as "INDEPENDENT," one of a handful of films with that credit. Is the latter an actual distributor, or BOM's catch-all when they don't have the data, either? I did not attempt to research the possible distributors involved because I'm a movie professional (although I do get The Hollywood Reporter for free because of my helpful reviews as IMDB and Amazon), I did so because I AM DEDICATED TO IMPROVING THE DATA AT IMDB for the benefit of OTHER USERS.

If you make it frustratingly hard to update the database ... people are going to stop doing so.

I think this is an easy call. Pay people to write the necessary code.

6 Messages


196 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Company links redirects to Pro.

all the company links redirects to Pro, what's going on?, is this a bug or are you seriously trying make us pay for something that was free,

if this is a bug, you need to fix this fast
if you tying to charge us for it, why?, what kind of bull crap is this.



5K Messages


117.9K Points

7 years ago


I'm interested in the ATS by Company, for companies beyond the current 8.

My interest is in old movies, and I want to be able to pull a list of musicals produced by RKO (or Republic, or any studio with credits here.) 

If I request silent films produced by MGM, I don't want to get Douglas Fairbanks silent films produced by United Artists. (MGM acquired UA inventory a while back.)

I might also want to pull by distributor at some point. For instance, I've watched several indie produced films distribute by Grand National back in the day, which makes me want to isolate their titles to search for others. But this is much lower on my wish list than searching by production co.

Is there a chance the new search will support these distinctions?



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

You will be able to search for any company in isolation.  

The current data policy still combines the UA and MGM titles under MGM so a search for MGM would return all titles. However, the richer model for companies on IMDbPro means we could look at separating the two company filmographies on IMDbPro, and instead using the company relations data to connect the two listings.  This is turn would separate the results as you desire on advanced title search.  This will not be top of the priority list in 2018,  but it will be easier to do than if we had retained the company credits pages on 



5K Messages


117.9K Points

You will be able to search for any company in isolation.  
But not be able to distinguish between production and distribution? Because if I could specify production, that should eliminate my problem of getting UA titles during an MGM search.

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

Not the top of the priority list in 2018? What exactly is the priority list? Why do you keep trying to surprise us rather than simply coming forward with some more of the major plans?



5K Messages


117.9K Points


I empathize with trying to design a system with millions of users who apply the flexibility of this system in a myriad of ways.

I wonder to what extent they can track access to various features, and what tools they have for analyzing such data.

Do they have a user advisory board, but too small to really span the breadth of usage?

If I were product manager, I doubt that I'd share future ideas with a forum like this, especially given the generalized complaints that some people submit.

2.7K Messages


82.3K Points

7 years ago

Can this thread be linked to the "Data Issues & Policy Discussions" please?