martin_695862's profile

580 Messages


13.3K Points

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019 6:44 PM

Changed position of Submit button

Can I urge IMDB not to tinker with the position of the buttons on the submission page. We have all got used to the buttons (left to right) being:

Re-check, Save, Submit

Now they have been changed to:

Submit, Re-check, Save

I have already accidentally submitted a half-completed submission because I instinctively pressed the left-most button, thinking that it was the Re-check button.

It's not the end of the world, but it will take a lot of un-learning to get used to the changed positions of the buttons.

Everyone's used to how you used to do it, so why change - it's only going annoy people.

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82 Messages


3K Points

5 years ago

I just noticed this, too. While submitting incomplete information...
Seriously, why would somebody think it is necessary to change the order of buttons is beyond me.

68 Messages


2.5K Points

5 years ago

Same here. I do not know what the reason behind the change is but at the moment its causing a lot of accidental sumissions of half finished submission forms.

81 Messages


2.5K Points

5 years ago

This is a terrible change! Please revert it back! I can see a lot of errors coming soon...

188 Messages


7K Points

5 years ago

Yes, indeed this is troublesome and not needed. I had unacknowledged warnings and, thinking by instinct that I was clicking Re-check, I actually clicked Submit. Thankfully nothing happened but please, the previous order was perfect, revert it back please.



3K Messages


72.5K Points

5 years ago

This is a terrible change. We are creatures of habit. Why would they move them around?

2.5K Messages


69.1K Points

5 years ago

I was trying to correct some (of my) trivia items last night and kept clicking the wrong button. I thought it was a bug of some kind, until I noticed this thread. Creatures of habit, for sure.



3K Messages


72.5K Points

I actually posted it as a bug because I kept getting a screen that looked like the update screen but with no edit boxes. There was no indication that I had actually hit "submit" instead of "re-check" because it doesn't take you to the normal submit screen (since there was nothing to submit).



14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

I did that too. It took me a while to realize what I did wrong even though I had already read this thread.



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

5 years ago

Hi all,

Thank you for your feedback. Yes you are correct, this is currently in the testing phase. The purpose of the change is to try to improve the customer experience by reducing the amount of round trips per submission, though we appreciate that this changes the required method of submission for our more experienced contributors. I have passed your comments back to the tech team responsible who are monitoring the overall customer impact.


1.3K Messages


23.1K Points

This is an atrocious change.  It greatly contributes to possible mistakes.  Apparently, the decision was made to expedite the speed of accepting submissions, without acknowledging that it also greatly encourages acceptance of misinformation.  

Sadly, expediency has once again won a misbegotten victory over accuracy.

This is an ill-thought-out decision that needs to be reversed. I had hope that IMDb would be more thoughtful.  Please, return the buttons to their previous position.

1.3K Messages


23.1K Points

The previous and much superior stationing of the buttons was definitely NOT "a round trip," but a check for accuracy.  Isn't accuracy a goal?

There are so many other issues that need addressing that I am surprised IMDb would do something that contributes to destroying its integrity.



3K Messages


72.5K Points

I'm not even sure what the goal is here. I use the recheck so I can get rid of warnings as I go instead of having 20-50 boxes to check at one time.

580 Messages


13.3K Points

Phil G says
"I was hoping that it was an unintended side-effect of something else, and not a deliberate design decision. An announcement and consultation with contributors before doing this would have been helpful."
I have given up hoping that IMDB staff will consult its army of contributors before embarking on its hare-brained changes. It makes changes unilaterally and then acts all surprised when people complain. I feel very sorry for the official spokespeople who are put in the position of trying to defend the indefensible.

I'd like to see IMDB consult far more with its contributors before it rolls out changes that affect everyone. Perhaps this could be done by having an alternative URL (eg which applies a proposed change that is invisible to the normal site and to which contributors (who subscribe to a mailing list) are alerted: "We've got this great idea for an improvement. These are what we think are the benefits, but go to the beta site and give it a try, and let us have constructive comments. We'll bear them in mind and maybe take them into account before going live on the general release version of the site."

I have got used to IMDB making changes which it is not willing to reverse, despite "hey, I was using that" comments. One that I still feel very bitter about is the removal of the "Episode Cast" list for a TV series which listed all episodes and the cast of each one on a single page, and which therefore made it very easy to check for changes in that page at a glance (by saving an older version of the page and running WinDiff against a current version of it). I've caught a number of cases where an actor's credits have disappeared altogether (I remember it happened to Jim Norton (I)) and seeing lots of changes to episodes that were broadcast long ago and which are probably unlikely to change frequently, is a good indication that "something nasty has happened". But this important checking tool disappeared.

Looking at this specific change. I can't actually see what the benefit is. If you have any outstanding warnings or errors, you get presented with a page that has no data at all (as if you had done a "Re-check" without selecting "Correct" for any of the drop-down fields) which is a lot less informative than presenting a page with all the data in various colours according to whether it passes or fails validation. As far as I can see, it doesn't let you submit the data any sooner - it just gives you less feedback about what is wrong. :-(  In that sense it is worse than the previous system.

Quite apart from whether the Submit button is always present and enabled, the position of the buttons should not have been altered - for two reasons:

  • we are used to the way it was, and instinctive muscle-memory takes a lot of unlearning when something like this is changed

  • the previous order was a logical left-to-right in increasing order of "force", starting with applying validation on the submission so far, then going on to saving the data in case of power cuts etc, and then finally submitting the data when you are happy that it has passed all validation

The new order is neither in ascending nor descending order of force (it would have been better to put them in the right-to-left order submit, save, check). I suppose it has about as much sense as the American order of dates MM/DD/YY, rather than the UK DD/MM/YY (ascending order of significance) or the European/ISO YY/MM/DD (descending order of significance).

As with other wacky off-the-wall changes that IMDB have forced on us, it makes life more difficult, for no good reason, and will make life harder for contributors. I hope IMDB are geared up for a much larger number of submissions, where people have accidentally submitted a half-completed set of updates which will then require a second submission to complete all the things that were not entered onto the form because it was submitted prematurely.

Where it becomes particularly annoying is when a brand new title is being created, because once you have submitted it in its part-completed form, you cannot submit the rest of the data that you were about to until the title has been created, which might take a few hours or even a few days.

If IMDB insist on making the Submit button the left-most, then it should be a different colour and separated more widely than other buttons (save, check) are. Anything to make it as obvious as possible that despite many years of experience to the contrary, this is the submit button in its new location.

Incidentally, I don't agree with right-justifying the buttons. I tend to use IMDB in a window that fills half the width of my screen, with the other half running a listings web site or a VLC video-player window - source window and destination window. And even on a 1920x1080 screen, a half-width IMDB window omits some of the controls on the right hand side - such as the Previous (episode) and Next (episode) controls, so it is necessary to scroll the page sideways and the scroll it back afterwards. I'd like to see all action and navigation controls towards the left hand side of the page so avoid the need to scroll sideways.

I hope people will agree that, while disagreeing with what IMDB have done, I'm trying to make my criticism as constructive as possible.



5K Messages


117.9K Points

I wanted to highlight 2 of the best points Martin made:
If IMDB insist on making the Submit button the left-most, then it should be a different colour and separated more widely than other buttons (save, check) are. 
Since the buttons are still on the left, I'm not sure why he made this point, but I definitely agree:
Incidentally, I don't agree with right-justifying the buttons. I tend to use IMDB in a window that fills half the width of my screen, with the other half running a ... source window ... a half-width IMDB window omits some of the controls on the right hand side ... so it is necessary to scroll the page sideways and the scroll it back afterwards. I'd like to see all action and navigation controls towards the left hand side of the page so avoid the need to scroll sideways.



4K Messages


243.8K Points

I can definitely agree with everyone on this one. "Round trips" are a very much necessary part of re-checking the submission before making it. So far I'm pretty sure that only increased a number of incomplete and unchecked submissions. 

This feature should have been at least tested before being implemented, in my humble opinion. If someone complained about "round trips" these people probably spend less time on their submissions resulting in their submission lacking quality.



14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

If you have any outstanding warnings or errors, you get presented with a page that has no data at all

I don't see this. I tried with yellow warnings and red rejections, and clicking submit just returns the same page again. But if you experience it, it might help IMDb to have a specific example.

I saw the page without data boxes when I accidentally hit submit before having entered any edits, as Adrian noted above.

580 Messages


13.3K Points

When I say "no data" I meant "no data boxes" - just lots of explanatory text.

So if you press Submit instead of Check by accident, you see a "blank" (no data boxes) page and then have to press Check to see what's wrong. How is having to press two buttons better than just requiring you to press the Check button as you would when you were gradually fixing the yellow/red warnings?

I don't actually see the benefit. Are there any situations where pressing Submit will allow you to submit anything any sooner than if you press Check: you still have to fix the warnings before the Submit button will actually send the submission.

It would be better if the Submit button had the same effect as the Check button if there are any warnings - ie that it produced a full list of the submission, showing any outstanding warnings. That would actually be doing something useful.

If the developers are looking for things to change and enhance, I've got a suggestion for something which would be far more useful: when you are submitting new cast and correcting/adding credit orders for exsiting cast, it would be very useful if there was a way of generating a list of cast, sorted by credit order (new or changed), so you could see at a glance whether there are any gaps or duplicates in the numbering. That would allow you to answer truthfully the statement "I have verified that there are no unnecessary double numbers in the order sequence" when issuing a cast-complete attribute for a title.

I've raised this as a separate suggestion so it is more visible and can be discussed on its own:



14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

I understood what you said, but it is still not the experience I had while testing the form.

Are there any situations where pressing Submit will allow you to submit anything any sooner than if you press Check: you still have to fix the warnings before the Submit button will actually send the submission.
Yes there were, if there were no warning or rejection messages. For instance, I opened the form to add keywords, entered keywords in boxes and then clicked submit.

422 Messages


14.2K Points

I did not submit anything while the new behaviour was in place but the descriptions I have read here suggest that if check would have given you all green items then submit would submit them immediately thus saving a round trip if that was all you intended to do.

This time last year I was submitting a lot of crew credits to episodes, usually where someone had already submitted the cast. I preferred to go through the whole of the on screen credits before submitting but would check at least whenever I added a name directly rather than using the list of credits from previous episodes. It would have been very irritating to accidentally submit especially when all I really wanted to do was increase the number of items I could add to a section.

On that topic, being able to add more items without having to change the add n items dropdown and go round the check would have been a much more useful way to reduce the number of cycles. Also being able to select both correct and add in one step so that I could see any existing credits when adding more.

I can see the attraction of the change for those submitting a single item but it becomes less attractive for larger submissions. Unfortunately this conflicts with my desire to incrementally increase the number of items rather than having to give a size up front.

8.2K Messages


173K Points

5 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Inconvenient design change on IMDb submission forms.

Same thing ? ?

Changed position of Submit button
by Martin
Posted Oct 22 2019
- - -

Will, Official Rep
Hi all,
Thank you for your feedback. Yes you are correct, this is currently in the testing phase...

Note: This conversation was created from a reply on: Inconvenient design change on IMDb submission forms.

2 Messages


142 Points

5 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Inconvenient design change on IMDb submission forms.

Came here (for the first time I think) to post exactly the same thing, after it took me 4 attempts to submit the credits for one episode of a tv series...

Note: This conversation was created from a reply on: Inconvenient design change on IMDb submission forms.



4K Messages


243.8K Points

5 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Inconvenient design change on IMDb submission forms.

I can't get why buttons "Submit these updates" and "Re-check these updates" were swapped. 

I was so used to previous layout that by clicking on the wrong button I've erroneously submitted not one but three new title submissions which consist of just a title and a type, simply because it took me at least four attempts to make the submission without goofing. I am pretty sure that will be the case with quite a few users and I can't get why that design change was made in the first place. If that was because someone complained that "Re-check these updates" gets pressed often that's a good thing: it actually makes users re-check before submitting the submission without reading it ever again and making a ton of mistakes.  

Here are the reference numbers of erroneous submissions which I hope will be declined:



161 Messages


5.9K Points


There is one live title that resulted from these submissions.  Do you want me to remove it?





4K Messages


243.8K Points

5 years ago

Side note: I suspect that this solved problem might be one of the many direct results of this change.



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

5 years ago

Despite having read this thread, I just fell victim to this problem myself. I wound up incompletely submitting the same award correction twice before finally getting it right.

The decisions to (a) move the buttons around AND (b) make the "submit these updates" button present and enabled even though there are still items requiring correction (red or yellow boxes) were poor decisions in terms of user experience.



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

5 years ago

Thanks Martin. Just to reiterate, even though this is answered all of the comments here are being fed back to the tech team trialing the change.



161 Messages


5.9K Points

5 years ago


I want to thank everyone on this thread for their feedback.  The change had unintentional impact to your contribution experience, which wasn't anticipated.

We have just reverted this change to the default action for the 'Submit' button.

There are valuable insights into involving you before making changes, which we will be factoring into our launch plans in the future.

Happy to hear more feedback/ideas on that from you all.



1.3K Messages


23.1K Points

Thank you, Rachel.  This was an unnecessary change that facilitated the submission and acceptance of misinformation.  I was fearful that IMDb would need to change its name to IFMDb -- Internet Fake Movie Database. 

2.5K Messages


69.1K Points

5 years ago

Not sure if necessary (since the current problem with the order is solved), but perhaps there could be a old-school ”you’re about to submit the information to IMDb. Are you sure? Yes/No” type of text after you click ”Submit”? This could help is some cases.



5K Messages


117.9K Points

Very much agree with this from Phil G:
allow users a way to cancel a submission at any time between hitting submit and the first item actually being processed ... the cancelled submission gets converted to a 'saved' submission so mistakes in it can be fixed and resubmitted easily).