3 Messages


100 Points

Friday, July 5th, 2024 4:52 PM


Change the name of the festival

Hi, Community and Content Team,

this is my first post here, so i am not quite familiar how it works but i will try.

Anyway, Motovun Film Festival changed it's name to Cinehill Film Festival (A Motovun Film Festival Project) due to some legal dispute and splitting of the founder's team.

Motovun Film Festival (2022) - IMDb

Any way when you go to the old website it leads to new one Cinehill 2024. - Cinehill Film Festival so you can check its correct. So now the name is needed to be corrected to:

Cinehill Film Festival 

Motovun Film Festival Project - Cinehill Film Festival

in order to be easier found when people who already know about Motovun festival search since its quite famous in EU and Balkan region.

Also website can be added above old one and fipresci.

Thank you very much and let me know if i did anything wrong or if i should post this on separate page.

best regards,


This post was created from this comment on different post



2.2K Messages


23.1K Points

2 months ago

Hello hadzidjura,

In this case a new Festival must be created, however the request has to be submitted through our Contact Form. The name on the actual listed Festival must remain the same too keep old Awards already rewarded. I encourage you to submit the new event, please take a look at our Help Articles for instructions.

3 Messages


100 Points

Dear Fran,

thank you very much. 

I thnink that they wouldn't like to change it and make new one, since its running for so many years and it's not new one actually.

Maybe than we just need to add updated website page, if its not possible to original name and just add CineHill Film Festival in parentheses?
IF that is not possible, i can make a new one with such name, since it is important to keep also original name as recognition, as they did on website.



2.2K Messages


23.1K Points

Yeah, in this case a new event has to be created for the Festival, we keep the old recognitions and awards as they were given. 

3 Messages


100 Points

Thank you for clarification. 

Best regards