6 Messages


182 Points

Wednesday, March 19th, 2025 3:14 PM


Change order production designer CARLO ALOISIO

Good evening, I am the assistant of production designer Carlo Aloisio. I need to change the order of the films on his page so that the category of films where he is credited as a production designer appears at the top, followed by the rest. Currently, the films where he is credited as an assistant production designer are listed first. Could you kindly assist me?



7.6K Messages


182.9K Points

8 days ago

You will need to open an IMDbPro premium subscription in order to control the display order of professions as detailed at https://help.imdb.com/article/imdbpro/manage-your-imdb-page/manage-your-primary-professions/GWW6XSGATEXS8K5V To sign-up for IMDbPro, please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdbpro/your-account/how-can-i-join-imdbpro/GDBR9HJWYWLEQK7K and please claim his page as part of the sign-up process in order to control the profession order on his page vs. claiming your own page as described on https://help.imdb.com/article/imdbpro/manage-your-imdb-page/claim-your-page/GXWAJBBV8EVPF3PE