1 Message


70 Points

Thursday, January 16th, 2025 7:02 PM


change name of a musician

Hi, Please can you help me to change the name of the bass player of the band Voivod. We find here his page as Dominique Laroche. BUT, his name is DOMINIC. This error caus the musician problems, it associate him with an other person ... so when we search his name we find someone else with no relation with him or with the band. It's an important band, so thank you to make the correction or help me to do it :  change DOMINIQUE to DOMINIC LAROCHE.  Also, there is no picture of him, as the other members of the band. the official picture is in the pacebook page here... YOU CAN VERIFY HERE  : https://www.facebook.com/people/Dominic-Rocky-Laroche/100092697549273/ OR SECTION BIO ON THE OFFICIAL VOIVOD BAND WEBSITE : https://www.voivod.com/fr/bio Thank you for your help



2.1K Messages


21.7K Points

2 months ago

Hi @Stylerockin, Thank you for your problem report. You can correct a name by following the instructions in our Help guide. To do this you will need to make a submission and provide as much evidence as possible in order for our processing team to approve the correction. I hope this helps!