2 Messages


84 Points

Thursday, March 25th, 2021 1:57 PM


Can't make paragraphs in my reviews

Hi everyone, I hope you're having a great day.

Recently I submitted a couple of reviews but for some reason it won't let me add any paragraphs. Basically every reviews is just one big wall of text, if I hit enter the text does separate, but as soon I submit it everything crams together again. I tried modifying them but it doesn't work. I tried doing it from my computer and the cellphone app, the result is the same.

Any ideas of why this is happening? Thanks!

5 Messages


112 Points

3 years ago

Same :( 

2 Messages


84 Points

3 years ago

Well, at least now I know it's not just me. I also noticed how they're getting really annoying with the denied words, I can't even get things like "f**k" in the review, even when it's an actual dialog from the movie. I noticed this in another thread.

Let's just hope for a fix because these reviews are unreadable. :(

5 Messages


112 Points

Denied words are getting annoying too - I've tried all sorts of characters on my keyboard to censor swear words and it keeps getting picked up. 1t5 P1551ng m3 0ff (Let's see if that gets rejected :D !)

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

The inclusion of curse words in movie reviews is not allowed. Inasmuch, circumvention of the filter inappropriate.



1.2K Messages


34.1K Points

Hey Martyn, please take a look at our guidelines on user reviews, we don't allow profanity which includes attempts to hide the profanity with other symbols. 



1.2K Messages


34.1K Points

Hey Gabriel, to clarify IMDb does not allow profanity in user reviews, which includes attempts to hide the profanity with other symbols. 

5 Messages


112 Points

Hi Elizabeth, 

I understand. I wasn't using swearwords about the films. I was writing reviews about some films which happen to have swear words in the title of the film. I'll refrain from writing their names here though. I found creative ways around the issue in the end thank you. :) 

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

3 years ago

Well, paragraphs in that context are delimited by an empty line rather than a single carriage return, a single line feed or a single pair of them. I hope that my aforementioned remark is relevant at all to this question.

74 Messages


2.8K Points

3 years ago

I had a review declined because it contained the phrase shiitake mushrooms. Ridiculous.