6 Messages


122 Points

Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 4:02 PM



Can't Add New Trailer & Poster

Hi, community! I need to change the trailer & add new poster for my film. It seems like a simple thing, but I can't add the trailer. I have not tried the poster yet, it is coming soon. Do I need to use this thing called "Scorecard?" Time pressure makes this urgent! Thank you, John



17.7K Messages


315.8K Points

3 years ago

Hi JDW168 - Title Scorecard is not required to submit a Poster image to the title page, but it is required to add a video trailer.  For more information about applying for Title Scorecard I encourage you to review our Help Guide. Additionally, for information about adding photos you can review our Images FAQ page. Cheers!

6 Messages


122 Points

@Michelle​ Thanks!  I have applied to Title Scorecard, but I cannot get an answer I need to finish! The staff responded, but they can't seem to tell me how to prove that I am the producer of the film. They wanted a website for my Production Co., but we don't have one. I sent them the url for the film & no answer. Hopefully they will answer soon. I have sent them many emails asking for clarification. This is urgent!  And... I looked at the help guide you sent and it specifically says to use Scorecard to add a new poster. BUT you said, "Title Scorecard is not required to submit a Poster image to the title page." So who is right?  How do I add a new poster for my title?  1. Find your title in Scorecard. 2. In the “Posters” column you will see the word “Add” if there are no posters on file. Click the “Add” button. 3. On the next page you will be prompted to “Upload Images for…” Click the “Browse” button to find a local stored poster image for your title. 4. Once the image has been selected, click the “Upload” button. 5. Once the poster image is uploaded, check the “Make primary image” box in the upper right corner. You can include copyright and actor metadata on this screen as well.

6 Messages


122 Points

3 years ago

Dear IMDB, I need to update my trailer URGENTLY!  I have asked REPEATEDLY to get on Scorecard, which is YOUR METHOD. I have provided all needed info and you will not help me! Why? THIS IS SO VERY FRUSTRATING! Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled IMDB Help Non-Responsive

6 Messages


122 Points

Still no help. Unbelieveable!



17.7K Messages


315.8K Points

3 years ago

Hi JDW168 - To clarify Poster images, while you can upload Poster images directly through a Title Scorecard account, you can also upload and submit a poster image for a title by going to the title page photo gallery and clicking on the "+ Add Image" box: Within the Image Upload form you can select the image type (ie. Poster), add any copyright details and tag relevant names and/or titles. Concerning adding a video trailer and your requested Title Scorecard access, IMDb Scorecard is designed for Production and Distribution companies - this means only producers and representatives for those companies are eligible for the service, so unfortunately, if you are not represented by the title's production company or distributor (or there were no companies associated with the title), then unfortunately, you won;t be eligible for IMDb Scorecard. As an alternative, you can upload the trailer to a publicly accessible site and submit the Trailer link to the title page as an External Link - however, this will not display the video trailer within the title page video gallery. I hope this helps clarify!
