NijazBaBs's profile

30 Messages


826 Points

Wednesday, June 30th, 2021 11:57 AM


Can Top Reviewer and other badges be lost if I remove reviews (contributions) or if I am no longer in top 1000?

Or once I get some badge it is permanent, even if I am no longer in top 1000 reviewers.

Accepted Solution

30 Messages


826 Points

3 years ago

Do tv series episodes reviews count towards Top Reviewer badge, or only reviewing whole tv series and movies

Since I figured it would be easier way to become top reviewer, because they are usually 45 min, the only exception being short movies.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Do tv series episodes reviews count towards Top Reviewer badge, or only reviewing whole tv series and movies


30 Messages


826 Points

I am closing this since it is not answered for so long and because I figured out some secrets by experimenting myself. Basically, badge is not removed even if we later remove reviews we used to earn badge in the first place, so yeah, person with 0 reviews will still have them. As for number of reviews in year 2021 needed to get this badge, looks like ~1000 is not enough, so my conclusion is that it is just not worth it, even if using fake or automated (bot) reviews via some hacking software. I tried using 982 fake reviews on Pokemon tv series and even waiting for week to month, and did not get that badge. Just don't know is it because series episodes reviews are not considered, or regardless of that because total number has to be above 1000. So definitely not worth it. I remove my fake reviews and left only authentic ones, and decided that I won't review tv series at all, but just movies, but not for badge.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

3 years ago

Hi NijazBaBs -

Since both your questions are related to Badges, I have combined your questions to a single thread.

I have reached out to the applicable team to clarify the Badge logic further, as soon as I have the details I will update you here.


2.7K Messages


82.6K Points

3 years ago

From the page about badges ( when it comes to user reviews: "Awarded to the top 1000 reviewers". This means that if you are no longer in the top 1000, your badge should be removed. However, I don't know if IMDb actively keeps track of this and actually removes these kind of Top badges.

30 Messages


826 Points

@Marco I would like that it is not taken after getting it because then it would just motivate me to spam, for example to post billions of low quality copy pasted reviews to tv series all seasons, to quickly get that badge after losing it. It would just motivate us to post more and more review without any quality.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

This is you ? ?

IMDb member since February 2019 - 531 Reviews

- - -

Will, Champion
Mon, Jul 5, 2021 5:38 AM
Half Year Top 500 Contributor Leaderboard for 2021



30 Messages


826 Points

Yes, and did not such list existed. But I would like to know top 1000 reviewers, not just 500, so I can know how much more reviews I need to be in top 1000. Actually I wanna experiment to know if I will lose such badge if I stop being the last in the list, e.g. fall from 1000th to 1001st or more. So far the quickest way seems to be watching tv series, especially 20 minutes episodes like Pokemon, and short movies, some of which are only 5 minutes.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points


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30 Messages


826 Points

Very useful, thanks. That is exactly what I needed to know.

Also luckily @ACT_1 written in that topic how many reviews that user had (780) and luckily that is recent user's activity. So I estimated I am very close to becoming Top Reviewer (maybe about 100 reviews more, more or less) and won't lose that badge. At least I now know I don't have to chase 1000 or higher number.

2.7K Messages


82.6K Points

@forthehorde Interesting case. So basically the Top Reviewer Badge doesn't mean very much if a person with one review on the site can have one. A pity for those who have quite a bit of reviews on the site.