141 Messages


1.7K Points

Tuesday, February 1st, 2022 10:11 AM


In Progress

Can something please be done about the targeted harrassment of prolific reviewers?


When this issue was bad during 2019-2020 for me, I really made an effort to move on and not talk about it as much (even resorting to apologising on my profile for worrying so much over it), but with it being worse than before and getting worse and worse  I just had to say something. Especially since it has been affecting others too. It has been a recurring problem since 2018 for several  prolific reviewers, though some more frequent than others, and it has been raised awareness of here by some of them over the years. It has never been this bad than as since a few weeks ago. Some prolific reviewers have had our reviews/profiles targeted by serial down voters (a person or group of people with sock puppet accounts),  and in the cases of MartinHafer and me (TheLittleSongbird) in particular it has turned into pretty much daily harrassment and for I feel for no reason. Regardless of whether people think it is harrassment in my case, it is definitely that in Martin's case and it is definitely the same people/accounts responsible.  I know this from admiring the other prolific reviewers' work and regularly looking at it when writing my own reviews. It has been happening nearly every day since it started again this year and in some cases just hours after the review is published. All my reviews since last Tuesday have been downvoted up to 3 times, including those written yesterday, and same goes for a lot of reviews when sorted by helpfulness.

Last Thursday up to 300 of my reviews were downvoted twice on the same night within a window of 15 minutes. On all the occasions it's happened, and this was true for all the numerous times it happened between 2018-2021 until the suspicious activity was finally detected and dealt with, none of the other reviews for all the titles were affected and most of the reviews were for films, episodes, cartoons etc that are non recent (so for examples  golden age films, 40s cartoons and episodes of something like Alfred Hitchcock Presents), which has always made me suspicious. I actually saw some of the activity happen last Thursday live and it is abundantly clear that those responsible are clicking no without even reading the reviews. I just want to say that I don't expect everybody to agree with all my reviews all the time, I can't count the number of times I've disagreed with other prolific reviewers while still appreciating hugely their work and some of us do have opinions that raise the eyebrows. But if someone disagrees with a review, just downvote that review. I find it immature and dishonest when someone goes to the reviewer's profile and downvotes for example 50 reviews in 2 minutes and then organises some form of hate campaign. I am disabled and have anxiety and autism, so this problem has really unsettled me and to me it's the equivalent of being stalked, but if people for some reason are trying to bully me off the site I'm going nowhere.

Please can this be looked into as this is not normal activity? I have contacted IMDb directly about this more than once in the past couple of weeks, not just on my behalf but also the other prolific reviewers affected, and haven't found anything that was said to me helpful. You detected suspicious activity finally around September time last year and did something about it then by removing the yes and no votes from all the offending accounts that spammed reviews for many titles on the site. With the problem being more pronounced this time, please can you do the same (removing the non helpfuls and taking further action against the accounts responsible)? As I said in previous private correspondence to you, I  do strongly recommend that the ability to vote yes and no via user profile function is removed, since that was implemented shortly after the review layout changed that has clearly been abused and if it was removed it would make it more difficult for the abuse and harrassment to happen again or at least as much. I also strongly recommend that the primary sort by function on reviews is changed from prolific reviewers back to helpfulness, since the sort by function changed that's when more  prolific reviewers started getting targeted and more frequently which gives me the feeling that our work is not appreciated.

Thank you

141 Messages


1.7K Points

3 years ago

These are a few examples of what I'm talking about:

MartinHafer's Reviews - IMDb

(0 out of 3 on same day of review publication for non recent films)

TheLittleSongbird's Reviews - IMDb

(all of reviews in past week downvoted between 1 and 4 times)

Leofwine_draca's Reviews - IMDb

(0 out of 2 on same day of review publication, most for non recent films)

As I have said, this is not solely on my behalf, but I have noticed that it has been a recurring problem for many prolific reviewers, especially in the past few weeks that is going to get worse if it isn't dealt with. This dishonest, immature and stalker-ish behaviour should not be tolerated.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

141 Messages


1.7K Points

Thanks ACT-1. Have just noticed that bkoganbing and Michael_Elliott have had this too. I know that Coventry, Red-Barracuda and classicsoncall have had this in the past, as they came on here and raised awareness of it.

141 Messages


1.7K Points

3 years ago

Just to say too that this has just happened again to both me and Martin (I am keeping an eye on his reviews as I am very concerned at how often his harrassment is happening), and I only submitted my reviews an hour ago. This has got to be nipped in the bud.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

3 years ago

Hi bethany -

Thanks for reporting this ongoing issue you are experiencing (and observing for other prolific reviewers as well) with User Review abusive down-voting.  I have filed a ticket for the appropriate team to investigate the examples you provided further and they will take the appropriate actions.

141 Messages


1.7K Points

@Michelle​  Thank you Michelle for responding and filing the ticket. Once action is taken (preferably the user votes removed), if the team agrees with me that the activity is suspicious, could it possible please that something can be done to ensure that it doesn't happen again in terms of security? I'm just worried that it will happen again in for example three months time, like the last time suspicious activity on the user vote system was detected and acted upon around September  only for it to be a massive and even bigger  problem again since the beginning of January. Anybody else think that removing the up/down vote  via user profile function  and changing the primary sort by function in the reviews section back to Helpfulness would contribute to solving this issue? Don't worry if not.

141 Messages


1.7K Points

Just to say that it happened again last night to both Martin and me. All his written since mid-last week down-voted twice. Most for 30s-40s Looney Tunes cartoons with no other review for every title having the same treatment, and those that aren't animation related are also not that recent either. And with me all mine from mid-last week downvoted, two of them twice, including the reviews written yesterday. Again for non recent titles, with one quite obscure today,  and the only one on each review page to have that treatment. Most of the time being the most recent commentator. Are staff still investigating this suspicious and really stress inducing behaviour? Thanks



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

2 years ago

Hi bethany -

I'm just following up here to confirm that the more recent cases of User Review attacks you reported on other threads have been included on tickets to the appropriate team who are actively investigating and taking internal steps to address the issue.

141 Messages


1.7K Points

@Michelle​ Hi Michelle. Have just seen this after being able to get back into this account, and thank you very much for the update. Much appreciated. This is to update you that this issue is still occurring and has gotten worse. I have had five non helpful spamming attacks since Sunday, including almost all the reviews written yesterday and Monday (all within hours of publication, two of the attacks being on Monday). Attacks that have affected a month's worth of reviews, that have all received 1 to 5 downvotes. Thank you again.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @bethany​  -

Thanks for posting these recent observations, I have added your comments to the existing ticket for visibility.



2.3K Messages


23.4K Points

Thanks again for reporting, I wanted to provide an update on the issue. We are so sorry it has taken this amount of time to resolve, due to our backlog we can't provide an exact timeframe as to when the issue at hand will be prioritized, for this reason we are closing this thread. But know that we are still tracking this issue and it will be picked up.   Again, I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we will make sure to revist it as soon as possible.