rick_creakman's profile

2 Messages


80 Points

Monday, January 14th, 2019 9:33 PM


Can anthology series be separated by year?

Anthology series typically have a complete change of cast an example is "True Detective".  Another example would be "American Horror Story'' with the same actors in different roles with a different plot.  The current method makes if difficult to break out data for a single season.  If each season an series is makes it easier to research and it allows for actors to be credited for the different roles they have played in each season.  Each season would be title using year for shows without a secondary title "True Detective" or shows with a secondary tile like "American Horror Story: Year of the Witch"

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Separate pages for different seasons of anthology television!



14.5K Messages


331.3K Points

6 years ago

"Season" pages would be a cool addition.