Vande's profile

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Monday, March 27th, 2023 11:10 AM


Bug report: When you successfully move things, they also stay in their original place!

Two examples of this:

When you change the relationship link within Family, it changes, but then a few minutes later it re-adds the original false relationship 
230327-103242-851000 230327-105101-760000

When you successfully move a Biography to the correct person, it also remains on the incorrect person's page
230320-090253-334000  230326-153537-592000



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

1 year ago

Hi @Vande -

I'm not clear on the exact problem that is occurring, can you clarify further? Is this problem occurring within the contribution form - where after you make a change the form resets back to the previous data?

227 Messages


4.4K Points

Hi @Michelle -

The reason I included both of my correction references in each instance was to add clarity.  In the first pair, you can see where I changed a relationship from child to grandchild.  But then had to go back and delete the child relationship as it had sprung back up again, resulting in the same people being listed as both child and grandchild to the individual!
In the second pair, you can see where I requested the biography be moved, but instead of being moved, it was duplicated.  When I then went back and tried a different way of deleting the biography from the original person, it was rejected.
It used to be that staff were able to access the attempted corrections just from the reference numbers.  These are not one-off bugs, which is why I have started this thread, although I did only provide one example for each to avoid confusion.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

1 year ago

Hi @Vande -

Thanks for the additional information.

For the Family Details, unfortunately, I was unable to see the changes you were trying to make.  To clarify, were you trying to change "Damian Patton" from 'Child is" to "Grandchild is"?  Or were you trying to correct something different?

For the Bio, I have now removed it from the incorrect page listing.


227 Messages


4.4K Points

Hi @Michelle​ -

No, the first bug is not as important as the 2nd bug, as it is possible for me to sort it myself, but it was still worth pointing out, purely for the fact of being a bug.  I added Sophie & Pete as "Child is" when they should have been "Grandchild is".  I then successfully corrected them, but a few minutes later the "Child Is" sprang back up IN ADDITION to the corrected version, thus showing them as both child and grandchild.  So I went back again and removed the "Child is".  Still a bug though isn't it, so worth reporting.

Thanks for removing the original Bio which remained even after I had moved it to the correct person.  The other thing worth mentioning which was a side affect of moving both the Bio and the main image, is that the main image is now no longer the main image on the new person,  I think this is because IMDb added it to the new person before it disappeared from the original person, and there must be some kind of rule that the same image cannot be the main headshot for more than one individual. 




17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @Vande​ -

Thanks for the additional information.  Concerning the "Family Details", I was unable to replicate the issue.  It's possible that this may have been an isolated technical glitch, however, if you experience this again let us know and our staff can investigate further.

Concerning the Bio issue, as I understand, you also filed an image report to tae the correct name and remove the incorrect name, is that right? 

227 Messages


4.4K Points

Hi @Michelle​ -

Oh okay, it does seem to have happened before, but I can't remember exactly when, so I will mention it if it happens again.

Yes, that's right - Robert Lister is a veteran British actor, and nothing to do with the younger American executive Robert D. Lister.  However the image no longer shows up as the main headshot since I moved it.  You can see that just by looking at the search result:  Find - IMDb



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @Vande​ -

Thanks for confirming.  I can see that the image is now showing within the Photo Gallery.  It is not yet displaying as the primary image on the page, so I will check back in a few hours.  If it is still not populating within the Primary image slot by then I will file a ticket for the appropriate team to take a look.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @Vande -

Just following up here to confirm the image is now displayed as the primary image.  Cheers!

227 Messages


4.4K Points

@Michelle​ thank you.  Perhaps the algorithm could be tweaked so that when images are moved they are removed from the original person first and then added to the new person, as that may stop it being put down the page instead of as primary image.

The downside with this of course would be the image would be an orphan for that time, so impossible to find at all.

227 Messages


4.4K Points

@Michelle​ Hi!

As agreed I am letting you know when the issue of Family Details errors springing back up occurs.

In these two edits I swapped Richard Durden from being the nephew of Mark Durden-Smith to his uncle, and it went through, but then the false relationship reappeared, so it now shows both.  As I noted before, I can sort this out myself, but it's still worth fixing, as other contributors may not notice it springing back up when they make similar corrections.


Regards Dez



1.5K Messages


16.6K Points

@Vande​ Hi-

My sincere apologies for the delayed reply. We are working through a backlog of threads.

I have manually removed the incorrect and duplicated family relation displaying on Mark Durden-Smith's page. The changes are live on the site already. 

As per the issue, I have filed a ticket (#V953875337) to the appropriate technical team for further investigation. Once I have an update from them, I will post it here.

Thank you again for reporting!




17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

3 months ago

Hi @Vande -

Concerning the ticket (#V953875337), I can confirm that this issue has now been resolved.  Cheers!