bill_graham_k0ueovvuj7tgz's profile

3 Messages


164 Points

Friday, April 24th, 2020 7:24 PM


bring message boards back because of coronvirus closings

The message boards are needed much more now that many theaters have closed to share reactions about different movies and trivia about the stars that make them since most people are only getting streaming video for most of April. Twitter is badly organized to discuss trivia and film facts.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

4 years ago

Bill Graham
Joined on April 24, 2020 - new today
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? ?

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3K Messages


72.5K Points

4 years ago

No. No one needs that cesspool of humanity.

262 Messages


8.2K Points

4 years ago

I wouldn't mind message boards being brought back as a forum discussion. But I really doubt it will. It was so much trouble for administrators to deal with in addition to general info.  

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

Could say something about this. But it would be along the lines of laziness and being too diplomatic. When dealing people, you have to use diplomacy up to a point, it is the true meaning of the word “politics”. But it at a certain point, you have to stop and say, “Enough! This where I draw the line and you had crossed it. You did it. I got the proof. There will be no more discussion. You’re out of here!” It had a lot of sock puppet and bot accounts that were spam posting the hell out of it (aka, reposting the same post over and over). And that doesn’t address the problem of trolling. If they do re-instate the message boards, they should allow the use of plugins like:
Botometer which is good at catching Bot and Sock-puppet accounts,
Bot sentinel, which is not good at catch bots or sock-puppets, but it is good at catching trolls biased on posting patterns and the language used in the posts.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

That is “Based”, not “Biased”.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

? ?

For a while ... IMDb required a Bank card number to register
They would charge 1$ (?) then refund that
so they had a ref number for all accounts
Trolls with several User accounts and  the same bank card number ....
Does IMDb still require a bank card number to register ? ?
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and oh by the way..
There are more than 117,340,000 registered users now
Some are gone, some are the same person with several accounts etc...

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

Does the IMDb still require a bank account number? Not that I know of.
But if you knew someone had multiple sock puppets and bot accounts, why didn’t some do something about it other than you who did do something about it, IMHO.
Btw: what is up that address in your post? Who is friendsstarbd? Should I care about that account?

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

friendsstarbd just registered before I posted the above

Now 117,358,000 User accounts
1,300,918 Registered Jan 2020
1,099,239 Registered Feb 2020
1,457,412 Registered Mar 2020
1,678,531 Registered Apr 2020 ...
Someone Did do something about it - They Shut down the Boards !!!
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IMDb member since December 2001
former IMDb staff, programmer.
Once upon a time, I developed the message boards system. I know what mjeyds means.

3.4K Messages


85.6K Points

4 years ago

He has a point there.