1 Message


70 Points

Monday, June 3rd, 2024 9:36 PM


Bot ratings on advert film


I was the checking the page of the film "The Psychopath Life-coach" and I have the impression that some of the more recent reviews might have been bot generated or pad for. All of the recent reviews are 10/10 and contrast strongly with most the others ones. I also note that these 10/10 reviews are all posted by users who have only written that one review.

I have that film and it is an unsubtile review for the main characters program. I strongly suspect that these reviews were commissioned to try and raise the documentary's low IMDb rating.

Many thanks,




5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

4 months ago

Hi @Mad78 -

We have reviewed this title and can confirm the weighted rating is displaying as intended. We have several safeguards in place to automatically detect and defeat vote manipulation. When unusual voting activity is detected, a different weighting calculation may be applied in order to preserve the reliability of our system. To ensure our rating mechanism remains effective, we don't disclose the exact method used to generate the rating. 

For more information on our abuse detection methods, or details about IMDb ratings and weighted averages, please refer to our Ratings FAQ.