swtpete's profile

134 Messages


3.5K Points

Monday, February 11th, 2019 4:27 PM


Big Suggestion- Receive email confirmation for Contribution but also when accepted or rejected

**Big Suggestion** Users/IMDb members should receive email confirmation not only for a Contribution(s), but also when said addition or change has been (partially) accepted or rejected. Current system the user has to follow up manually at Contributions History or refresh and see if change appears. How to email the IMDb staff directly to suggest things? Yes we humans already get boatloads of email but opt-in is nice. Anyone like this suggestion? Cheerio. -Peter in San Diego CA USA.

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

6 years ago

Hi Peter,

FYI, IMDb is fine tuning a tool that provides the information the information I understand you expect from these notifications: https://contribute.ildb.com/contribut....

Anyway, I would not mind being able to opt for a mail notifications.

134 Messages


3.5K Points

6 years ago

* url should be contribute.imdb.com everyone .. there's a typo of iLdb. Fyi. But thanks for this and that site is nicely laid out!!

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

Yes, you are right and I apologize, I type it on smartphone keyboard!

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

There are 2 histories and they may not be the same

Your Update History:

Your Contribution History


10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

6 years ago


134 Messages


3.5K Points


428 Messages


14.3K Points

6 years ago

A single contribution may contain hundreds of items - one of mine last October had 562. Approval is per item not for the submission as a whole and the items in a submission may be approved at different times.

I do not think that an email per item would be popular for those who make submissions with multiple items.

An email when all the items in a submission have been processed might be more useful but I am not sure how easy it would be to do that.

134 Messages


3.5K Points

I hear you @Owen_Rees on the several items per our within a single Contribution issue, but your concern is *unfounded*. I have a basic enough knowledge of code, html, Perl/php.. to know that within a single grouped encapsulated Contribution "job" if you will, the items could easily be basically tokened or uniquely numbered. Once all items have been *binarily* accepted *or* rejected, on that last processed one a simple ritual running-every-time software check would kick an opted-in email to the Original Submitter giving the summary result. Baddabingbaddaboom. -Peter in San Diego CA USA.

428 Messages


14.3K Points

The trouble with apparently simple solutions is that they do not scale to the data rates IMDb is dealing with. A database search for pending items from the same submission whenever an item reaches its final state is possible of course but given how many items are processed it would add a significant load.

By the way, I do not think I am giving too much away if I say that this would be Java and SQL rather than perl (and certainly not PHP).

134 Messages


3.5K Points

Eye roll, heh.

134 Messages


3.5K Points

...fwiw this feature would inherently make IMDb a much STICKIER website, (produce more banner ad revenue), would foster more discussion and updating and public interaction, fixing errors, and lastly ....getting new movies and shows added where AHEMMM, the shows' online editor staffers are lazy and haven't gotten around to creating entries from scratch in IMDb.... ;--) -Peter in San Diego CA USA!