dean_trower's profile

4 Messages


210 Points

Tuesday, March 5th, 2019 4:12 PM


Better UI for reporting a review posted to the wrong movie

I recently discovered a review posted to a movie, that based on the review's contents, was actually reviewing a different (but similarly named) movie.

I clicked "Report this", but the best I could using the IMDb reporting interface was was to click the "Not Relevant" radio button.  I had to post on this message board to actually explain what the problem with the review was, and where it should be moved to.  Just from reading the review and looking at the IMDb movie info for the movie it was posted to, it would probably not have been clear to the IMDb staff that it was for a different movie, so I expect that without my further explanation, my "Not Relevant" report would have been ignored - it was a perfectly good review, otherwise.

I imagine it's not too uncommon for reviews to get posted to the wrong film.  Therefore, I would suggest a separate radio-button option for reporting that problem, in the "Report this" user interface, along with a textbox where you can enter either the URL or title & year of the movie that you think the review should be relocated to, if you know where it belongs.

Ideally this would also generate an automatic email to the original poster of the review, informing them of the pending review relocation, and offering a way to either cancel it (i.e. "the report is wrong, my review really is in the right place") or to relocate it themselves to whichever movie it was actually intended for (after consideration of the wrong-movie report).

What do you think, IMDb?
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