shatterdaymorn's profile

12 Messages


246 Points

Wednesday, December 7th, 2022 2:10 PM


Awards Submission: Supplementary info disappearing

After adding an award submission with supplementary info... I've noticed that supplementary information is deleted and does not appear after the submission has been accepted. 



In this case the supplementary information distinguishes which segment of the program won the award. So, its essential information and should be there.

Also, its not consistent. Sometimes submitted supplementary info appears without a problem...  and sometimes it doesn't. 


Here I added three nominations all with supplementary information.... 2 now appear without supplementary information while 1 has the supplementary information. 

Is someone deleting the information? Or is this a processing issue?



1.5K Messages


16.4K Points

2 years ago

Hi shatterdaymorn-

Thank you for reporting this! I can see that there was an error when checking these supplementary information. However, I encourage you to resubmit the corrections and add the supplementary information that is missing on these awards. 

Once you have them, you can post the resubmission reference numbers below and I can take a look for you. 


12 Messages


246 Points

2 years ago


Here is a submission with a correction.

I have had this problem in the past with award submissions. Since award submissions can have lots of recipients they can be time consuming to correct. Will this be a reoccurring problem? 



1.5K Messages


16.4K Points

@shatterdaymorn​ Hi-

Thank you for posting the correction submission reference! I have checked it and I can see that it has already been approved and the changes are live on the site. Regarding your question, it shouldn't be a recurring error. 


12 Messages


246 Points

It happened again.

This was the first award submission I've done with misc information since the one mentioned above. 

I sent correction 


The entry is at the end to add a title with supplementary information.

It has since appeared without that information.

I have sent a correction



1.5K Messages


16.4K Points

@shatterdaymorn​ Hi-

I can see that the correction has been approved and the changes are live on the site already. I have also escalated the processing errors.


12 Messages


246 Points

Hello... the problem seemed to be fixed for a while... but yesterday I noticed that a number my submissions in the past two days were again appearing with supplementary information removed.

These are the submissions which show the supplementary information which does not appear after the submission was approved


(2 submitted titles… approved but with submitted miscellaneous information deleted)


(5 submitted titles… approved but with submitted miscellaneous information deleted)


(1 submitted titles… approved but with submitted miscellaneous information deleted)


(1 submitted titles… approved but with submitted miscellaneous information deleted)


(2 submitted titles… approved but with submitted miscellaneous information deleted)

I have corrected these errors with the following





These updates take a lot of time to submit... they also take a lot of time and frustration to correct!  Do you expect these problems to continue? 




1.5K Messages


16.4K Points

@shatterdaymorn​ Hi-

All of the corrections have been approved and are live on the site with the supplementary information. I can see that some where also submitted without it but corrected afterwards. 

I have escalated this issue.
