4 Messages
100 Points
Awards Information didn't accept recipients
I uploaded my short film to the corresponding film festival where it was nominated and won a couple of awards, when I uploaded the information, I put all the recipients as well under each category and it was accepted. Now the film shows up as having been nominated and won awards at the festival, but the recipients don't show up, and it doesn't show up on their corresponding IMDb page either. When I go to correct the entry on the festival's IMDb page, it won't let me add or edit the recipients.
How do I fix this? Do I have to re-upload again?
7.6K Messages
277.6K Points
2 months ago
Adam: Please post your last full data submission here on this message board. You can copy it out of the receipt you would have received from IMDb by e-mail immediately after sending it in. Some of the regulars on the board may review it and, if they can, they may provide suggestions as to how to improve the submission to get it included in the database. (Also, please include the submission reference number -- it's an 18-digit number that will look something like 240123-123456-789000.)