4 Messages


100 Points

Sunday, January 5th, 2025 3:38 PM


Awards Information didn't accept recipients

I uploaded my short film to the corresponding film festival where it was nominated and won a couple of awards, when I uploaded the information, I put all the recipients as well under each category and it was accepted. Now the film shows up as having been nominated and won awards at the festival, but the recipients don't show up, and it doesn't show up on their corresponding IMDb page either. When I go to correct the entry on the festival's IMDb page, it won't let me add or edit the recipients.

How do I fix this? Do I have to re-upload again?



7.6K Messages


277.6K Points

2 months ago

Adam: Please post your last full data submission here on this message board. You can copy it out of the receipt you would have received from IMDb by e-mail immediately after sending it in. Some of the regulars on the board may review it and, if they can, they may provide suggestions as to how to improve the submission to get it included in the database. (Also, please include the submission reference number -- it's an 18-digit number that will look something like 240123-123456-789000.) 

4 Messages


100 Points


The submission reference number is: 250102-145955-562000

And this is what I submitted according to the receipt:

48 Hour Film Project, Toronto

Items submitted: 31

Adds: 31

  1. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Spencer Jones

  2. Award Nomination:

    • Award: Best Makeup

    • Category: Best Makeup

    • Year: 2024

    • Rank: Nominated (nom)

  3. Award Nominee Title:

    • Title: Bored.

  4. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Ziggy Schulting

  5. Award Nominee Title:

    • Title: Bored.

  6. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Ibrahim Awara

  7. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Madison Caan

  8. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Madison Caan

  9. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Jonathan Brito

  10. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Mila Zubair

  11. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Spencer Jones

  12. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Victoria Samcoe

  13. Award Nomination:

    • Award: Best Actress

    • Category: Best Actress

    • Year: 2024

    • Rank: Nominated (nom)

  14. Award Nominee Title:

    • Title: Bored.

  15. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Adam Marley

  16. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Stephanie Figueira

  17. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Adam Marley

  18. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Mila Zubair

  19. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Victoria Samcoe

  20. Award Nominee Title:

    • Title: Bored.

  21. Award Nomination:

    • Award: Best Costumes

    • Category: Best Costume Design

    • Year: 2024

    • Rank: Winner (1)

  22. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Stephanie Figueira

  23. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Ziggy Schulting

  24. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Jessica Worden

  25. Award Nomination:

    • Award: Audience Choice

    • Category: Audience Choice

    • Year: 2024

    • Rank: Winner (1)

    • Notes: Group G Winner

  26. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Adam Marley

  27. Award Nominee Title:

    • Title: Bored.

  28. Award:

    • Award: Best Makeup

  29. Award Nomination:

    • Award: Best Writing

    • Category: Best Writing

    • Year: 2024

    • Rank: Nominated (nom)

  30. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Ziggy Schulting

  31. Award Nominee Name:

    • Name: Jessica Worden



7.6K Messages


277.6K Points

Adam: This is definitely not your fault, but looking at that submission receipt, I have a hard time figuring out who should be associated with which award category. IMDb recently changed the format of the submission receipts which makes them harder to understand.

That said, the IMDb staff should be able to review your submission and let you know if there are any problems with it.

4 Messages


100 Points

Yeah, I don't know why it's all out of order like that. Each recipient was under the corresponding category when I submitted it!



7.6K Messages


277.6K Points

@AdamMBD​ That's just a problem with the receipt. The underlying data submission should be fine; it's just that the receipts are bad. I was looking at my own recent data receipts and they have data in seemingly random order, too.



2.2K Messages


23.7K Points

@AdamMBD​ Hi-

Thank you for providing the submission reference number! I have reviewed this submission and I have now added the missing recipients onto most of these live awards. For Best Costume Design and Audience Choice, I was unable to confirm the recipients. 

The changes will be live on the site shortly.

For further reference and as per our guidelines, we only list recipients specifically mentioned on the awarding body's official listing. If a name, title or company wasn't listed we'll be unable to approve this. You are welcome to review more here Awards Help Guide



4 Messages


100 Points

Thank you very much!

For audience choice, it was just all the cast and crew that were mentioned in the receipt. And Best Costume was the entire cast, because they did their own costumes.

Are you able to update these changes as well? Or do I need to provide more information?

Thanks again




2.2K Messages


23.7K Points

@AdamMBD​ Your very welcome! 

If you have supporting evidence, you are welcome to provide it. You will have to send a deletion request for these two and then at the same time, re-add them again with this information so that our editors can take another look. 

