2 Messages


130 Points

Wednesday, November 10th, 2021 12:17 PM

Award Addition Pending for more than 10 Days

Hi, this is the Contribution #211030-063208-529000

Thank you in advance for your response!

Accepted Solution



17.2K Messages


310K Points

3 years ago

Hi altermelody -

I can confirm that your new award update was not accepted due to formatting issues; specifically, you will need to provide both an Award name and an Award Category within your submissions (I can see that you entered the category within the the Award Name field).

For more information on how to format your award I encourage you to review our Help Guide.

You will need to correct the formatting and resubmit, our editors will then take another look.


2 Messages


130 Points

3 years ago

Thank you for that clarification Michelle! I have resubmitted with the corrections.