111 Messages


1.5K Points

Friday, December 24th, 2021 7:45 AM



Attributes can't be added to running times

https://contribute.imdb.com/title/tt0063665/ One + One (1968)

There are 2 original running times listed, both set to the default country, both without attributes. 111' is the correct one, 100' is obviously the edited version, but it won't let me add that attribute. The edit form rejects it with the confusing error:

  • This running time is the same as the default running time.
    There is no need to submit a running time which is the same as the existing default.

Note that it seems to think I'm adding a new running time, when I'm only correcting an existing one (by merely adding an attribute). It appears to be self-referential, which invalidates the idea there's an "error" on which to base a reject of my submission.

The only solution I see is to Delete the 100' timing, wait for it to be approved, then do a second submission to re-add the 100' with an "edited version" attribute.

This behavior is very screwy and unnecessarily time-wasting. This needs to be fixed so we can simply add an attribute when needed.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Adding attribute to runtime

2.5K Messages


69.2K Points

3 years ago

No idea, but perhaps the ”(edited)” attribute has something to do with it? Since basically that ”edited” version is the ”original” version (it was shown first in London Film Festival, and ”Dir. cut” was shown after that).

111 Messages


1.5K Points

@eboy Per IMDb convention, a running time without an attribute is by definition the "original" timing. And there can't be two original running times. The page needs to be corrected to add an attribute to one of them.

That's fine, it can be done; I'm doing it already on the example title I gave. In two somewhat dire unnecessary steps instead of one simple one. My point in posting this is to call attention to the invalid and confusing error message, and the seeming inexplicability of we not being able to add an attribute to a running time if we need to, and instead have to delete it and re-add it with the new attribute.

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

3 years ago

I think this is a long-standing bug.

There is a thread here that's apparently "in progress": https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/adding-attribute-to-runtime/5f57376e49d3ca45853e89dd

111 Messages


1.5K Points

Yes I see. That 1-year-old thread mentions an earlier thread from 4 years ago about the same problem. I posted a more detailed response over in the 1-year-old link you just mentioned.

There are multi-submission workarounds, but I notice that even if one of your submissions is "approved" (like deleting the offending running time entry altogether), sometimes the "approval" doesn't actually happen (like just now when my deletion of the 100' timing was approved, it's still there), or an editor decides to make a different change/edit thereby messing up what you were trying to do (and still falsely labelling your submission as "approved").