95 Messages


990 Points

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024 8:13 PM


As always, IMDb can’t verify a credit….

Even when I’m sending a screen capture of the credit. All they have to do is get a copy of the movie and verify this screen capture. Can someone please help


Here’s a screen capture of my credit for this project. Please verify it by watching the films credits. Thanks. urn:alx:doc:937a93d2-a8ca-450d-ba84-56832d6ccf2d:9458f95e-688e-442e-9471-31979e87e28b



2.2K Messages


23.1K Points

2 months ago

Hello Thx11384eb,

We will not be accepting this credit, we have already verified the original title on screen thanks credits and yours is not valid. The title already has listed the onscreen credits.

95 Messages


990 Points

Why is that?    I’ve tried to add that credit over and over.  Did you actually go and try and watch the end credits?  It’s in there. Go look.   You make no sense 


95 Messages


990 Points

Can we have someone reply who knows what they’re talking about.  On screeen credit.  Right there.  For ALL THINGS MUST PASS. THE RISE AND FALL OF TOWER RECORDS.   Go check the credits and you’ll verify it.  


95 Messages


990 Points

2 months ago

@Fran​ I’ve been credited with my real name and also with the last name of Solo.  On movies, we get documents asking if given screen credit, how do you want your name to read on screen?   I chose the last name of solo 


95 Messages


990 Points




5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

@Thx11384eb​ Hi! Credit is already live.
