9 Messages


164 Points

Sunday, April 23rd, 2023 11:11 AM



Artist page HUGE problem

Hello, guys

My name is DIlyan Kalchev and im an actor from Bulgaria... I've recently started updating my IMDb page as I'm getting a lot of attention, because of the new release of the first Bulgarian Hip Hop movie "Murda Boyz: Mahlenska Klasa", which is on fire, currently sold out in 20 cities. The movie is spread nationwide in all the major cities in the country. It already started receiving reviews from everywhere. 

My question is, how come the algorithm of IMDb is deciding that my Actors Page is know for a movie "Found by You" that has 0 reviews, never been published anywhere, and its a university project. Everywhere shows that Dilyan Kalchev is an editor. This is making me really frustrated and angry, because IMDb team declines my changes to the "Found By You" cast, because i wanted to delete myself from there... They are not allowing me to remove it. As this is MY personal profile, that is violating my presence and people get confused... PLS HELP 

9 Messages


164 Points

@Col_Needham​ Hello,

As i mentioned above, this credit is violating my profile and my social presence in my country, as this is MY OWN personal page as it stands Dilyan Kalchev (there is only one listed with that name and its ME). How come the algorithm decides that a credit for a movie that has 0 revies, 0 information on internet, 0 contribution in the FILM INDUSTRY is more valuable, than a movie that has been shown in Thatres all around Bulgaria with 25 + reviews and sold out saloons?? IMDb crew stopped answering my emails, with my request and personal issues with this particular credit for "Found by You" as I said a diploma movie that has never seen the light and has 0 presence in any platform? 

My name has be circulating in Bulgaria, even the most rated morning show in Bulgaria called "Hello, Bulgaria" has made an interview with me about the movie "Murda Boyz: Mahlenska Klasa". Still show on the search that I am an EDITOR... This is not fair and the staff is not giving me any option for me to fix this issue. Even if I pay for IMDb pro for 1 month just to change the "Known For" im sure after i stop paying it will go back to default. Please give me a solution, I'm litteraly begging you for small effort; Either remove my credit from "Found by You" or just fix my page.. I just don't understand how is this situation so frustrating, but its just killing me from inside

9 Messages


164 Points

Just have a look please

2.5K Messages


69.2K Points

1 year ago

IMDb won’t remove valid credits from your name page, so that’s not the solution to your ”Known For” credits.

9 Messages


164 Points

@eboy​ I saw your text on my email, can’t find it here. But what do you mean that people of Bulgaria don’t care about IMDB credentials? And this is not answering my question. Everyone is like ignoring my actual question: How come the algorithm decides that the movie “Found by You” is better option for my profile than “Murda Boyz: Mahlenska Klasa”? I have 7 credits for actor, and in the search area my name appears as Editor? Answer me this please



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@didonkin​ For information on how “Known for” credits are selected, please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/discover-watch/when-i-search-for-a-person-there-is-a-title-next-to-their-name-how-is-that-title-chosen/GK2Q8FVBN88YY6PZ 

For general information on professions, see https://help.imdb.com/article/contribution/filmography-credits/what-is-the-profession-order-at-the-top-of-a-name-page/GRGGMPXB46FLC5UN but as to the profession shown in search results, there’s a fixed priority order of professions, so if you are credited with multiple professions on your primary “Known For” title then that profession order is followed. Editor comes ahead of Cast within this ordering. 

9 Messages


164 Points

@Col_Needham​ Hello,

Based on the links you shared with me. My case here is not following any of the credit WEIGHT, if this is the scenario that the algorithm follow. When you open my profile it says; Actor, Camera and Electrical department and Editor. 

 As you can see editor is the last choice. On the other hand "Found by You" has literally 0 attention on any aspect listed in the link you shared.

 "Murda Boyz: Mahlenska Klasa" is a movie that has been going on fire in Bulgaria, it has way more details, it is showed in theatres, many ineterviews and reports on national TV. A lot of famous names in it. And still ... Dilyan Kalchev - editor...

 So you are telling me that my only option is to become an IMDb Pro member, pay 19.99$ so I can fix this issue. In case i want to pay only for one month, just to fix this problem, can you guarantee me that when I stop paying it will stay as I've set it ? 

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

I'm the one who inquired about the reasons for the people of Bulgaria to care about the content of IMDb, because I'm sincerely wondering what would be the point of caring? The site is obviously unapologetically Americentric and Anglocentric! The long and short of it is that all manners of industry professionals have complained about the why the "known for" algorithm works, and the best answer that the IMDb company can come up with are the ones already provided above by Col Needham, the founder of IMDb.  If somebody cannot afford to pay the "extortion" fee as some critics have called it, then that person is simply not earning enough money in the entertainment industry.  If somebody can afford it, but refuses, then that's fine. No obligation exists. That person may just as well pretend that IMDb doesn't even exist.

2.5K Messages


69.2K Points

1 year ago

It’s true that the ”Known For” section is kinda ”broken” - at least for people who have older credits in different departments. I mean (for example), what’s the real point of listing ”he’s a director, editor and actor”, if the person has a few odd directing/editing credits from the 1990s, and then several acting credits (and some very recently). It would be just common sense to list that he/she is an ”actor”, period (actor, with some older credits in another departments).

That being said, IMDb name page is not a personal CV/resume. Sure, many people use it as such, and quite often it works great in that regard, but still. The real purpose is to save/preserve historical data.


9 Messages


164 Points

1 year ago

@Col_Needham @jeorj_euler  @eboy  Hello,

Don't get me wrong with everything I just said. IMDb is an amazing platform and no one can say anything against that. I've read all the benefits from having an IMDb Pro subscribtion, i've done my research. All Im trying to understand with all being said, especially about the part with the CV/resume, is that this could actually be a perfect platform to do so, right? In other words from what you say is that, I can even come up with any Title that has never existed, and there is no way this could ever be deleted, because the IMDb system won't let you delete any "Factual" and "historic" content from the website. But I definetley believe that there should be some system to "check" upon all these titles that could be fiction or fantasy of someone else. What about movies that started, but never had the chance to finish, and they actually never got released? 

I'm truly not the person that the founder of IMDb should listen to, but there are some big gaps I believe in the system, that could improve every artist's profile/page. Or at least give to claimed pages the chance to explain why would they want something to be OFF their profiles, there might be a strong reason. Its just that if you are not in PRO, you are completely restricted..

People of Bulgaria as you mention, are just not as interested, because if you find out how much an actor is making here, no matter how good your role is, is just on the tip of the toe, compare to even low budget films in UK or USA.. Maybe a middle IMDb Pro (or IMDb semi-Pro) would be an option to consider making, like more affordable prices, with some of the features in it.... 

Anyways i won't waste your time anymore, as this is important to me I will have to subscribe to PRO for a month, just to fix this problem with the "Known For" section. But I believe sometimes your team should make exceptions, because in my case I gave you what I think strong argument, about all this! University project is winning over one of the best films in the country this year... 

Thank you for your time! 

780 Messages


15.1K Points

@elinorhollka​ When I search his name, he comes up as an actor with Murda Boyz, next to it, so it seems it's updated in the system since this thread was hosting active debate.