sandra_a2x5k8b0z9704's profile

3 Messages


160 Points

Thursday, October 26th, 2017 1:06 PM


Any plans to allow adult images (with strict rules)?


I worked and am still working on various movies and series that could be categorized as softcore and others as explicit erotica/adult movies. So I'm not talking here about close-up/hardcore/no-story-needed porn videos (even though I also work on some of those).

At the moment, getting images accepeted is kind of a hit and miss, despite that these images are less suggestive (or not at all) that some pictures found for some mainstream titles.

My question is, do you editors have talks about allowing in the near future some adult images with very strict rules (i.e: still no nudity obviously and other rules currently applied to regular images). My wish is to at least for some "serious" adult movies to not leave them without a cover/poster image. Maybe even add this option only to IMDbPro members. I understand the last thing we want is to get people trying to dump loads of porn images, IMDB is not for that.

But I also believe IMDb is more than just plain text and numbers and seeing a blank page for a title feels like a unfinished page.

I truely hope this subject is or will be under consideration.
In the meantime, thanks for managing/maintaining this great database.


3 Messages


160 Points

7 years ago


Following a discussion with an editor due to some of my images getting declined for a non-adult title but with main content being targeted at adults, I really wish to know if there's any hopeful future for that idea I suggested?

Some titles are not categorized as adult but have no or very few images because most of their content would breach the current policy.
If those titles were to be listed as adult and therefore out of reach for minors and people who do not wish to see content related to adult titles, then allowing images (still with strict rules but less than for those anyone can see) would help getting a gallery to these titles not just a blank page.

I know you are busy with so many things, I hope you'll find the time to discuss this and give me an answer.
