23 Messages


364 Points

Sunday, June 23rd, 2024 8:57 PM


Another Contribution Declined

Just another rant on this subject - it's been a while.

"Your contribution has been declined.  We have been unable to verify your contribution."

My goof contribution for Schindler's List:  (#240622-030251-227000 submitted on June 21)
"When Goeth holds up the list to Schindler to say that there is a clerical error at the bottom of the last page, referring to the blank space being reserved for Helen Hirsch, the page shows that the blank is numbered 297. Since the list actually included between 1100 and 1200 people, the last number on the last page should be in that range.
The goof in question occurs at time stamp 2:25:05 of the total film (11:27 on side B of the DVD)."
You were unable to verify the contribution?  Even when provided the exact moment of the film (DVD) when the goof occurs?  Either all the staff are blind (less probably) or they didn't bother to actually check (more probably).  If the staff is not going to bother to take the time to check (understandable since presumably the staff doesn't have the resources to do so for all the hundreds/thousands of proffered contributions), why does the staff just summarily reject a contribution?  Why not accept it and then let another viewer who has actually watched the film recommend a correction or retraction if the goof is indeed incorrect?
As my previous posts have pointed out, this happens time and again, with no explanation offered for why a contribution has been declined.  I find it hilarious that the staff pretends that they have taken the time to verify the contribution as well as note that they unable to do so, but they don't have the time to explain exactly what the problem is.
Just stop pretending.  Just admit that you flip a coin for every contribution - heads, it's accepted; tails, it's rejected.



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

3 months ago

Hi @dab07041929 -

Thanks for your report and feedback.  Our staff does review all evidence provided within a submission, in this instance it sounds like there was an error handling the submission and I have now resubmitted the Goof on your behalf (contribution #240624-180450-764000).  It will be reviewed again by our staff shortly and approved if there are no issues.
