2 Messages
304 Points
Alternate Titles for TV episodes
I reciently added some German TV show which also got an English release, but when I wanted to add the English title, I noticed that the alternate title section was missing. When I wanted to add it later, the option was available again, but I coud olny correct alternate titles, not ad new. When I clicked on corroect, It told me there was no existing data. The IMDb staff should therefore try to fix this problem, since it's most likely a bug.
1.9K Messages
92.6K Points
10 years ago
I believe that IMDb does not currently allow AKA titles for TV Episodes, only for the TV Series. There is the occasional Episode that will display an Alternate title, but I think that these are items that were originally added to IMDb as standalone titles, but then moved to be an Episode of the Series. This might explain why Add is not permitted, but Correct is.
75 Messages
1.8K Points
10 years ago
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Can Imdb please allow alternate titles for tv episodes?. I really wish imdb would allow alternate titles for TV episodes (like Goosebumps, Are you afraid of the dark and various Japanese Anime I'm interested in helping to fix.)The reason is because I think it would be great for people of Forigen Languages to beable to find their episode titles in their language and also for completeness, also for when Anime companys cut episodes (like Pokemon and Yu gi oh). thank you. :)
139 Messages
3.3K Points
9 years ago
This should definitely be a feature. It's odd that episodes are the only titles that can't have alternative titles. It's not just for foreign languages. The Friends pilot is a notable example of an episode that has multiple names. Also, some episodes have segment titles, which are supposed to be added as alternative titles.
4.6K Messages
236.3K Points
9 years ago
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Haven't done this before...Can episode have AKA Titles?. Hello all,This episode www.imdb.com/title/tt0260768 has been released on VHS, then later as DVD, as a stand-alone title, "The Real Buddy Holly Story," as can be seen on the poster art on the page.Years ago, IMDb listed it that way, but then later changed it to an episode of "Arena" (1975) (TV Series) and the (episode) title to "Buddy Holly."Since it's available as a single documentary on Amazon, etc., I wanted to add an AKA title but don't see it available. There is, on the Release Dates page, just the release date(s) but no AKA's or way to add one, that I can see. Am I missing it?Thanks!
758 Messages
29.6K Points
9 years ago
[Matt C. wrote]"This should definitely be a feature. It's odd that episodes are the only titles that can't have alternative titles. It's not just for foreign languages. The Friends pilot is a notable example of an episode that has multiple names. Also, some episodes have segment titles, which are supposed to be added as alternative titles."In the history of television, many episodes have had multiple titles, for a variety of reasons.In addition to the examples already discussed, and among the presumablymany others that could be found, here is just one other random example,recently reported by IMDb user Robert R.:An episode of Bonanza titled "The Sound of Sadness" apparentlyhad an original title or working title of "The Sound of Loneliness".https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/bonanza-episode-title-sound-of-silence-is-wrong-title-name-i...But again that is just one further example among probably many others that could be found to support this thread's consensus that it would be useful to be able to add alternate episode titles to the database.
758 Messages
29.6K Points
9 years ago
On February 19 2016, at the end of his reply to a post on theContributors Help board, IMDb staff member Will ("swiftw") wrote:... Unfortunately at present we [IMDb] do not have the functionalityto house alternate titles on episodes.
75 Messages
1.8K Points
8 years ago
This idea would work great for Anime episodes, for example: the Pocket Monsters episode 'Dennō Senshi Porygon' (in Japanese it is でんのうせんしポリゴン ) for the alternate titles it would translate as 'Cyber Soldier Porygon' or 'Electric Soldier Porygon' because people would try searching for those English names and would not find it because it would be in it's only Japanese version. would would make finding episodes titles more easier.
68 Messages
1.7K Points
8 years ago
An alternate title would also be needed for http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6481262/ which was released in theaters under a slightly different title.
85 Messages
1.9K Points
7 years ago
Can we please get this implemented? In the meantime, if a TV episode has multiple titles, how do we know which one to use? As an English speaker honestly I'm not sure if I want to submit the original titles for shows in other languages instead of the English title.
2.5K Messages
69.2K Points
7 years ago
Brian, it’s not really a question what you ”want” to submit, since basically you have no choice (at the moment). You need to use the original episode titles. Sometimes it can be difficult (e.g. animations where the original on-screen, non-English title card has been replaced in the U.S./UK, etc), but we still have to respect the original filmmakers.
3.7K Messages
77.7K Points
7 years ago
Hi all,Please see my final comment on this previous announcement. https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/alternate-title-policy-changeRegards,Will
2 Messages
70 Points
4 years ago
Please add the possibility of adding titles for episodes Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Alternative titles for episodes
3K Messages
72.5K Points
4 years ago
As the marketplace for television expands to be more and more global, it seems like we need to be able to give TV episodes, not just the name of the show, alternate titles in local languages. I noticed this on the series, Atlantic Crossing. At some point the list of episodes showed a mix of Norwegian and English titles. (It looks like the original Norwegians seem to have been restored.) When I watched episode 4 on 5/2, the was titled, "Fire and Water" instead of "Ild og vann". It seems that this would be resolved without this conflict if we were able to enter alternate titles as we can for movies. Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled The need for AKA titles for individual episodes
9 Messages
204 Points
3 years ago
Unfortunately, at the moment, the titles of the episodes of a series can only have one title and a title in another language cannot be added to it, while the main title of a series can be entered in different languages; Please enable the title of the episode in other languages as soon as possible. The lack of such a feature on the IMDb website is ridiculous, so if you agree with this suggestion please support. Thankful Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Episode title in other languages
547 Messages
9.7K Points
2 years ago
why can't we have alternative titles for episodes? starting with foreign serials, half of them are listed in translations half in transliterations, sometimes inside the same entry then there's censorships and marketing stuns like south park token and some creators change the names of their online releases 3-4 times in the first month for SEO and marketing Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled alternative title for episodes