tbrainerd's profile

71 Messages


2.6K Points

Sunday, November 15th, 2015 10:36 AM


Allow Em Dash in Plot Outlines and Summaries

Please allow for the special character of em dash (—) in plot outline and summary sections. Currently, these are automatically replaced with the grammatically inappropriate regular dash (-), or worse yet, manually transliterated as two dashes (--). The em dash is an appropriate character for plot outlines, and much better in most cases than either a semicolon or comma symbol.

1 Message


94 Points

9 years ago

The illustrious Ben Yagoda has this to say: "[T]yping two hyphens on the keyboard — and thereby making a dash — can give your prose a burst of energy" * and I agree. Unfortunately, as he notes, there's no easy way to get a true, unbroken em dash on a typical keyboard -- unless it has been cut-and-pasted, as in...well, kind of oddly, as in the previous sentence. Two plain-old-dashes put together do the trick. Anyone who notices such things will know the intent. I'm a fan of a space between them on either side -- like this --  but that is up for debate. I'm not sure why you have a problem with the two-dash substitute.
 * Source: http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/10/22/mad-dash/?_r=0

71 Messages


2.6K Points

Obtaining an em dash is no problem, I can simply copy and paste it in (but if it automatically converted two typed dashes into a long one, that'd be great too). IMO, the substitute of two dashes looks like it was typewritten or a mistake. This is the digital age and we need everyday punctuation special characters to be allowed.

16 Messages


332 Points

You can also easily create your own em dash by hitting CTRL + Shift + - (hyphen) on a PC or Command + Shift + - (hyphen) on a Mac.

756 Messages


29.6K Points

9 years ago

This can be seen as one small part (but IMO not the most urgent part) of a much larger issue, viz., the need to establish full support for UTF-8 throughout all features of the site. Did I read somewhere that IMDb has a long-term plan for that? But it'll take a long time to get all the way there, because lots of complex legacy software needs to be rearchitected?

16 Messages


332 Points

8 years ago

It's been a year since this person posted about the grammatically inappropriate regular dash (-) being used instead of the correct em dash (—) in IMDB Plot Outlines and Summaries.

IMDB is my daily go-to website, and I expect it to adhere to grammatically correct punctuation. Because so many websites use the incorrect hyphen instead of dash (even the Daily Mail online newspaper does it wrong), more people are going to think doing so is correct. Can you please ensure dashes are used when they are called for, like in the summary of Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2513074/

71 Messages


2.6K Points

7 years ago

Not exactly the same issue, but I've noticed that some special characters don't display properly in user lists. On http://www.imdb.com/list/ls069450484/, you can see that the name Padmé does not display the acute e properly, instead showing a question mark symbol.

71 Messages


2.6K Points

This side-issue is now fixed on the site.

16 Messages


332 Points

7 years ago

You know, I think that's a software translation error from the browser or computer/software type. I have a Mac and often when people send me emails from a PC and Outlook, their typed-out smiley face turns into the letter J. Assume the same case here.



1.3K Messages


43.8K Points

7 years ago

Have a word with the people who wrote the ASCII standards and then with the people who make the different computers (& operating systems) that use those standards (or don't) some people make up their own "standards" for character sets. Characters just arrive as a sequence of binary digits. There's no relation to the characters represented by those binary digits unless everyone sticks to the same standards

Just because a charcter shows a certain way on your system doesn't always mean that it will be interpreted as that same character on the system that you're sending it to
