13 Messages


208 Points

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020 8:46 AM


Adult Pages Removing



I am asking all of the IMDB members to read this post carefully. Aa a result, IMDB will take an action.


All of the adult(porn) pages, movies, links, actors, actress, ... should be deleted from IMDB. When there are adult pages here, it means we are making them official. This website is checked by our children and they can be next target of these companies. Many girls who are unaware and innocent will be attracted this job because of money. All the adult actress are victims and sad from inside. We should not let adult companies manipulate more girls with money and alcohol. IMDB should remove and ban all the adult pages. It should never let them to create new pages again.




Best regards,


10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

4 years ago

A more viable idea would be to hide information about pornographic movies and participants thereof behind a pay wall (or at least a non-paid membership registration), but just about nobody really wants that either. Also, there is already a system in place that reduces the visibility of IMDb name pages pertaining to people whose credits consist exclusively of work on pornographic movie projects.


I would like clarification on how people can be exploited by pornographers for simply visiting IMDb. How do the pornographers identify the people who visit the website or navigate it through the smartphone app? How can anybody know for sure that reducing public awareness of the pornographic movie history causes the participation in the line of work to be less attractive? By the way, the non-pornographic movie industry has many of the same dirty little secrets as the pornographic movie industry. There are non-industries that have a lot of the same problems too. The better idea is to avoid sweeping the uncontrollable dirt under the carpet.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Only one third of the kids may be smart enough and, even in those cases, desperation factors into behaving in such a likely unethical way. This is not an "all or nothing" kind of thing. Even reducing the exposure by 1% would be wonderful. The problem that it may not be worth the negative side effects, whatever those might actually be, such as underworld people making an enterprise out of circumvention. At least with the current model, they would not really be able to profit.

4.5K Messages


71K Points

4 years ago

I believe blocking the "Adult Titles Include" function and the "hardcore" keyword for all <18 accounts would be easy and effective first steps. 






188 Messages


7K Points

4 years ago

I'm sorry, I don't understand this thread. I am an adult and I have disabled the Adult titles/names in my searches, because I don't want those kind of titles to pop-up, of course I can understand that.

Underage children should have an adult managing their IMDb Pro accounts. That's just common sense. Do you let your underage children have a credit card to pay IMDb Pro?

I honestly don't understand.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points


13 Messages


208 Points

4 years ago

 It is hard to explain something to someone who is paid for not understanding it and

 It is impossible to explain something to someone who is not even paid for not understanding it.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

4 years ago

Well, this has been a confusing conversation. Not every post within this thread has both clear relevance and clear pertinence to at least one other post within this thread, and it also does not appear at all that any messages were deleted. I'm trying to figure out what the hell any of this has to do with IMDbPro, academia or the condition of being paid/unpaid to "understand" a concept/complaint. I gather, the creator of this thread is the only one addressing this topic thus far who wants to for all references to adult entertainment movies to actually be purged from IMDb, whereas cinephile and I find that there may be merit in trying to make the information less visible. Yes?

8.4K Messages


174.6K Points

? ?


IMDb member since September 2012





by babuandbabu | created - 02 Aug 2014 - 255 titles




by babuandbabu | created - 01 Jul 2014  - 25 titles



10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Hi, ACT_1. Just to note, neither of those IMDb lists reference titles in the "adult" genre. I would reckon that there are some lists that are truly pornography oriented but are mostly marked private or just somehow less likely to be indexed.

8.4K Messages


174.6K Points

@ jeorj_euler


Ask the Staff to add  "adult" genre to these ? ?

He had other lists - now gone ? ?

Ask the Staff to reinstate them ? ?



IMDb member since September 2012


https://www.imdb.com/user/ur36285655/ratings -  1,682 titles

https://www.imdb.com/user/ur36285655/lists - 253 lists


Sexy Movie Posters Pt.14 - Created 27 February 2016 - 34 titles 

Actress who went TOPLESS - Created 29 September 2014 - 100 people

Actress who went TOPLESS Part 2  - Created 9 May 2017 - 38 people 

Actress who went NUDE - Created 29 September 2014 - 100 people

Actress who went NUDE Part 3 - Created 6 January 2018 - 26 people 

All Lesbian Movies - Created June 2014 - 75 titles 

Bikini Collection 3 - Created 4 August 2018 - 11 images

Cleavage 8 - Created 1 August 2015 - 95 images 

Porn Actresses - Created 21 December 2014 - 6 people 

Naked Movie Posters - Created 7 June 2014 - 123 images

Incest Movies - Created 4 August 2014 - 61 titles

Pedophilia Movies - Created 1 July 2014 - 102 titles





10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

IMDb lists don't have genres. In regards to the items of IMDb title lists ls070980506 and ls070348456, none of the items belong in the "adult" genre, since that genre is only intended to track pornographic movies (works where the majority of every scene consists of noticeably non-simulated intercourse or prurient emphasis of external anatomy, and typically lacking artistic value yet also lacking clinical tone like documentaries). Of deleted lists or private lists, authored by babuandbabu and referenced on this thread, most of them seem not to pertain to the adult entertainment world. I would have to see the the content of the lists to make a judgement of whether or not they "deserve" to be indexable by means other than visiting the creator's IMDb member profile.

226 Messages


9.3K Points

4 years ago

Awful request poorly argued.  Oh, and I see we can downvote ideas now.


IMDb lists--and already in a rather hidden way--information on the production of porn, not displaying actual pornographic materials, no?  Moreover, there've been filmmakers who've made both mainstream and pornographic films, and the difference between the two aren't always necessarily obvious.  Not just today, but 70s "porno chic," e.g.  I've reviewed a couple, and I don't believe those reviews or the IMDb pages for those movies are a real threat to any fragile minds.  It'd be like deleting this thread because it mentions porn.


10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

I tried to point out that many of the behind-the-scenes abuses that porn workers endure are also endured by people in other industries. Likely this is worse for porn workers, yet it still may not be fair to strictly single out the porn studios as predatory. I must confess, however, that I'm under the impression that non-porn prostitutes have it much harder than porn workers and strip dancers. I've never heard of porn producers operating the same way as pimps and brothel keepers, the kind who behave like the workers are their personal property.

262 Messages


8.2K Points

4 years ago

IMDB is a movie information site. That includes info on adult films/cast/crew, like it or not.


And adult filmmakers have rights too. 


13 Messages


208 Points

4 years ago

I am wondering why some people categorize adult/naked scenes as a movie or photo ! These stuff are junks and they should not be on IMDB which is for real Movies and T.V Series. IMDB is a professional website to introduce Cinema Movies and TV Series not a platform to introduce Adult scenes. It is not true .... People who defense against this idea, their children or themselves will be the victims of Pornography or sexual assault ! 100% ! You can give negative points as much as you want, I don’t care. Because when something is wrong, it is WRONG !  If all of the people in the world say pornography, public nudity, adult industry, prostitution and so on is right and it means freedom, it does not make this industry and actions right and pure !!!! Choice is yours .... When high school girls (Who can be your children in future) be pregnant or raped, remember your words today when you did not take an action to make the world a safer place to live together.  Remember when you had someone to guide you but you did not listen to him. Remember this day when you are in front of God after death and you have nothing to say for your sins and just cry. You will never be forgiven ....


10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Wait. Are you shifting the goal posts now, Peyman? I'm confused. If you're aware of any images on IMDb that violate its policies, then you ought to report them. You seem to be an adherent of the philosophy of crime prevention. That's understandable, but there have to be limits. Countries where people have the most liberty tend to be ones where crimes are dutifully mitigated after having been committed rather than new non-emergency restrictions introduced to force people to stay safe. Some of us actually prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery. This notion can be problematic in regards to children, which is why some restrictions apply to children but not grownups. What would you really have society do? Ban children from the main Internet and create a separate Internet entirely that is suitable for children? Well, parents (legal guardians) and schools are expected to do their parts.

13 Messages


208 Points



Your opinion is respectful but I did not dictate anything to anyone ! I said take an action to ask IMDB do something in the mentioned subject. If I was dictator I did not share my idea here in a community forum. Moreover, you cannot say which side is minority because this subject has not shared among a big voters ! Accommodation apart, everyone knows promoting something will more strength it. This is a great idea about science, sport, going out, watching a beautiful movie, TV series (Like Tom Hanks movies). These fun activities make your brain and feelings good. But watching porn movies makes your brain weak and addicted to high level of Dopamine. After watching these movies, your demands from your partner will wrong and high in every area. My words are not my personal idea, they have been proved. you can search on the net. My word is we cannot stop people watching porn. we cannot destroy porn industry. BUT WE CAN DO NOT MAKE THEM OFFICIAL OR TRUE ! ONE OF THE WAYS IS REMOVING ALL OF THESE PORN PAGES, PORNSTARS AND PORN MOVIES FROM IMDB. 


13 Messages


208 Points






Supporting people who are naked or having sex in front of camera is not dangerous freedom, it is selling freedom.

Supporting people who live like a gentleman and lady with a lot of financial problems is not peaceful slavery, it is a honorable life.



10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Except there is no evidence that supporting people who are naked or having sex in front of camera is equivalent with selling freedom. If it can be proved that somebody was violated, pursuant to law, on a movie set whensoever there is such a set, then remedy in a court of law can be sought. Likewise, in an emergency, law enforcement personnel are empowered to raid a set and liberate captives. We're not here to block a free person from willfully visiting the set in the first damned place.


I neither contest nor have any reason to contest the remark, "Supporting people who live like a gentleman and lady with a lot of financial problems is not peaceful slavery, it is a honorable life." So, I shall agree with it.

8.4K Messages


174.6K Points

4 years ago

? ?


Sylvester Stallone


Born: July 6, 1946 in New York City, New York, USA

Actor: Movie (71 credits)


Samaritan (2021)


Status: filming

Sylvester Stallone ... Stanley Kominski


Rambo: Last Blood (2019)


Sylvester Stallone ... John Rambo



The Party at Kitty and Stud's (1970)


X  1h 11min  Adult, Comedy  Movie

2,083 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 2.6 / 10

Sylvester Stallone ... Stud

Kitty and Stud are lovers. They enjoy a robust sex-life, which includes...





20 Messages


266 Points

4 years ago

I've used this before for a gaming website with a similar mission statement as IMDb, the rule should be "if it exists, have existed or will exist, it goes into the database". That includes porn...
And the idea that a sterile IMDb page entry about a porn video would have any negative impact on anyone is absurd. An imageless IMDb database entry have the same sexual allure as an Excel spreadsheet. No one who doesn't already know about porn would even know what such a page on here even means, and if they do know about porn then the harm these pages can do is negligible. IMDb should be a resource for information and be completely agnostic regarding its contents.

13 Messages


208 Points


27 Messages


418 Points

2 years ago

Your personal feelings about adult films and how you feel actresses are being exploited are your own and don't belong here.  Secondly, in order to look up an adult film you're required to go into advanced settings and change them each time you want to find any info on one (which I frankly think is ridiculous... users with imdb accounts should only have to do that once).  The site thankfully represents all films that have been made, regardless of whether they're considered "adult,:" or not.  We live in a free country here... if you're advocating censorship, maybe you shouldn't be on imdb's site.


13 Messages


208 Points

@doug_mckirahan​ No one needs your comment !

27 Messages


418 Points

@peeymaann​ No one needed yours either.