1 Message


122 Points

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020 9:14 PM


Adult film on search when setting is off.

I searched for ‘Secret Garden’ with my child and got ‘Lolita Vibrator Torture’. My adult setting is off. The film picture is pretty graphic and results in plenty of other pinku titles being suggested. I discovered this on the iPhone app but seems to be replicated on the website. This needs correcting somehow!

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Accepted Solution



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

4 years ago

Hi Andrew -


Unfortunately, this title appeared in your search of "Secret Garden" because the title was not tagged as "Adult" and it contains the alternate title "Secret Garden".


I have now added the "Adult" genre to this title so it should no longer display for you unless your Adult Search setting is on.





5K Messages


118.1K Points

4 years ago

Unfortunately, "Secret Garden" is one of the alternate titles:


If this statement is correct "The film relies more on gore and sexual sadism rather than sex", that might explain why it's not classified as Adult.