palkartimes's profile

3 Messages


94 Points

Monday, December 18th, 2023 7:52 PM

In Progress

adding missing language - Sourashtra

adding missing language - Sourashtra . There are good set of movies released in the past and present with sourashtra language. 
about the language, can be found at - Please add Sourashtra/Saurashtra as one of the language. 



17.6K Messages


314.2K Points

1 year ago

Hi @palkartimes -

Thanks for requesting the addition of this missing Language within the Contribution form.  I have forwarded the request to the appropriate team for review.


3 Messages


94 Points

@Michelle​ thank you . i understand it takes time. 

2.8K Messages


83.5K Points

@Michelle​ "I have forwarded the request to the appropriate team for review."

It's good that it's forwarded to the appropriate team, but is this team actively working on issues like this? It's hard to believe it's on any IMDb agenda:

3 Messages


94 Points

@Marco​ more and more languages are getting added. IMDB has gained good visibility . Hence , we hope , many languages get added and the viewers get to follow more language movies and content.