7 Messages


136 Points

Tuesday, March 5th, 2024 2:52 PM

In Progress

Adding Data to New Series


I am in the process of adding 2 new shows to imdb, and bless them, they have allowed the programs to be added and all of the episodes which are part of those series. The episode count is correct, the episode pages are correct but my submissions are being blocked because they don't 'map' to 1 episode. Whole seasons are being blocked because of single episodes, which exist on the database. This problem has been going on for 4 days. Does anybody know how to fix the problem? I've never had episodes glitch like that before.

I am referring to episodes 2.4 and 3.7 of Zaman Sekolah (2015), and episode 1.5 of Syurga Ibu (2017).

Submission codes are: 240305-183838-102200, 240305-151322-979200, 240305-145023-750200 and 240304-042212-164200.



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

7 months ago

Hi @Dax095 -

We don't have registered those submission references. I am guessing you have not been able to submit them. Can you be more specific on what is the problem you are having? perhaps send screenshots?


7 Messages


136 Points

Hi Bethanny,

I can't add screenshots, and I think I was pretty specific in my original but I'll try again. Both these shows did not exist until I added them.

1. I added the Series level file for both shows -- Success.

2. I added the Episode level files for both shows: 27 for Zaman Sekolah and 13 for Syurga Ibu -- Success.

3. I prepared my cast and crew submissions for each season of each show, and tried to submit -- Partial success.

Season 1 of Zaman Sekolah was successful, but seasons 2 and 3 were denied, and season 1 of Syurga Ibu was denied because the imdb verification process did not map to certain episodes.

The exact error message is '[Episode Number] could not be mapped to an episode'. How can that be? Imdb shows the episodes as part of the series, and I didn't receive any messages about those episodes being rejected so they must be live but faulty. I just want to know who can fix the episodes, and if it's me, how to do so. The episodes are:

Zaman Sekolah: 2.4 and 3.7

Syurga Ibu: 1.5

Sorry, but I haven't been able to learn how to add screenshots yet. I'm still trying to find that bit of advice I received when I joined.




5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@Dax095​ Thank you so much for the detailed explanation, I have created ticket reference number V1287311387 so this is checked on. Will keep you posted with any progress.


7 Messages


136 Points

Hi Bethanny,

Do you have an update on Ticket V1287311387? 




1.5K Messages


16.6K Points

@Dax095​ Hi-

Our team is still working to investigate and resolve this issue as quickly as possible. We'll update once we receive further information. 


7 Messages


136 Points

@Maya​ I notice that submissions are still being red-flagged because of the episode mapping issue. Could I just delete the episodes, then re-add them, and try to submit the cast and crew data?



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@Dax095​ Hi! It's ok if you want to try, keep in mind you might still get errors since the issue has not been fixed.


7 Messages


136 Points

Hi Bethanny,

The three episodes I brought to your attention 2 months ago are still faulty. They show up as pages in the series episode list, but it is impossible, as of today, to add credits to these episodes (2.4 and 3.7 for Zaman Sekolah, and 1.5 for Syurga Ibu). I've waited patiently for this issue to be resolved. Please nuke these 3 episode pages, and I will re-create them. I don't understand why that's such a difficult thing to do.



2.3K Messages


23.4K Points

Hello Dax095,

Our team is working to investigate and resolve this issue as quickly as possible (Ref Ticket #V1287311387). We'll update this combined thread once we receive further information. Thanks to you all for your patience.


7 Messages


136 Points

Nevermind, I figured out what the problem was. The problem was that for some reason I had to upload cast and crew to specific episodes -- which defeats the purpose of the multiple episode upload tool entirely. Very frustrating.

Kill the ticket.