anthony_guerrero_6mf2jnl8h7khs's profile

Monday, March 23rd, 2020 10:56 PM


adding character pictures

When you see an actor or actress, you have their picture on the left hand side. What I propose is having the picture of their character (what they looked like at that time) on the right hand side. I cannot remember how many times I always have to look up a pic (Assuming I can find it) to show people that actors character in a movie or TV show.

2 Messages


110 Points

4 years ago

Yes, but not all actors or actresses get a pic (usually) unless they are very well known. What I am recommending is no matter the actor/actress......they would have that character pic, so people can see who they either were at that particular time or what cartoon character or what-not if they are a voice actor. That helps with visualization more.

1 Message


80 Points

I'm all for it.  The only reason I joined this forum was to recommend EXACTLY what you're proposing.  :)

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