david_mcmackins's profile

3 Messages


120 Points

Friday, April 29th, 2016 9:32 PM


Adding Character pictures next to Actresses & Actors Headshots.

Adding Character pictures next to Actresses & Actors Headshots for each movie.  It's amazing to see some of the differences.  Thank you for your time.

6 Messages


136 Points

8 years ago

How do you add character pics next to actress headshots for each movie? I don't seem to see how to control where any pictures I add will end up except for my primary headshot.

3 Messages


120 Points

A request for a new feature

3 Messages


120 Points

Always be kind to movie villains it takes great talent to play the villains the more we dislike them the better the performance was.



4.6K Messages


236.3K Points


The OP has posted an "idea" thread. That section is like the suggestion box.

It's suggesting that there should be a way to add a photo of an actor in character.  Personally, I can't see it happening, but it would require a huge change in design of the site and pages...so though it's been suggested a log (see the list of related conversations in place), I doubt it's been considered.

As to your photos...IMDb Pro allows you to upload photos to enhance your page.  You can choose one as "primary" which will show as the large head shot on your page.  It also becomes the thumbnail image that shows next to your name where you're listed in cast/crew, etc.

What did you have in mind as far as other places for the photos to show? Can you elaborate about what you're trying to control and where you'd like the photos to show up?  Since it has nothing to do with this discussion, though, can you start a new thread?  Or post as a follow-up in your other thread?

Thanks...good luck.