1 Message


70 Points

Friday, August 27th, 2021 10:44 PM


Add "Where it was originally available"

With all of the new options out there (eg. Paramount+, Discovery+, DisneyPlus, etc..)  sometimes it's hard to find where the TV show or movie may reside.  For example, I was watching "Undercover Billionaire" and was able to watch the first 4 episodes there (via Discovery on Hulu), but since the first 4 aired, no other episodes are available via Hulu. So, with that said, I'm not sure if only the first 4 aired on Discovery, and the rest are only available on Discovery+.  I can see there were a total of 14 Episodes released, but I can't figure out where to find them.  I went to Discovery+'s homepage to look for it there, but I don't see it, and I'm not signing up just to see if that's where it's located. 

With that said, it would be nice to have a field that shows where the show is available (at least initially).  So if a new movie was originally released in Theaters Only, just put Theaters although it could show up on Hulu, Netflix, etc.. at a later date.  So many shows are only available on the new streaming apps that the companies come out it, sometimes it's hard to find them.

Just a thought, I know it doesn't happen all of the time, but I'd like to see "Only available on Apple+, etc...

Thank you!

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