1 Message


70 Points

Sunday, August 28th, 2022 7:39 PM

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Add set medics as a crew category

Every production has set and construction medics. Why are these vital positions not listed as a crew category? 



1.5K Messages


16.6K Points

2 years ago

Hi RichardLaChance-

We are aware that credits are grouped in categories that sometimes don't accurately reflect how they are displayed and organized in film credits or production listings.

Unfortunately, due to internal technical requirements, we do not have specific lists for every credit type which in some cases necessitate grouping together credits for unrelated jobs under "Additional Crew." This is why all credits that don't belong to a specific list are grouped into a generic additional crew section such as the medic/medical positions.

Our long term plan is to create more specific lists and move credits across them; however, since this is dictated by our internal data management priorities, we can't predict exactly how or when this will take place.  

Let us know if you have any further questions!
