james_johnston_4d5h8woi6a7ga's profile

39 Messages


1.2K Points

Friday, December 15th, 2023 8:08 AM

No Status


Add filter to Contribution History that shows only Saved (Unsubmitted) entries

Currently, Saved submissions in the Contribution History only appear on the page in sequence - that is, the entries are sorted on the Reference ID descending, which, since it is the date and time of submission (plus a sequence number), means they are sorted in sequence from most recent to oldest. Once more than one pageful of entries has been submitted, saved entries begin to drop off the page, and only appear on the page where they fit in the list. It would be nice to have a filter to allow a user to request only saved submissions be presented. This will provide an easy way to see all the entries a user has saved, but not submitted, and allow him/her to review unsubmitted entries quickly, without requiring the user to page through all the submitted entries.

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