craig_steven's profile

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90 Points

Friday, February 21st, 2020 3:51 PM


Adam Daniel Mezei is a racist! IMDb remove him please!

Adam Daniel Mezei is a film producer featured by IMDb and he has a racist YouTube video about natives in Canada out. He needs this spotlight taken away from him. ..

4.5K Messages


71K Points

5 years ago


To put his the video in context:

His statement refers to pipeline protests everywhere in Canada, his opinion is shared by a lot of people:

It is called liberty of expression and not racism.

N.B: I'm not taking any position in this conflict or in political issues.

4.5K Messages


71K Points

Honestly, I delete "Ed Jones is totally right" because you wrote, "IMDb is not an arbiter for poor taste in film making."

I thought that his video was in no way related to his films, or artistic talents, and I didn't want to be associated with this particular part of the statement.

Believe me, I would have credited you, if this statement was not written in your reply.

4.5K Messages


71K Points

I didn't want to make all this dissension for five words, I tried to be very careful in my arguments to avoid this conversation to turn into what has become my comments in "Live Poll: Car Experts" and in "Poll Suggestion: Most Frightening Subliminal Suspens Horror Movies".

 I only wanted to help Craig by putting the video in his context without criticizing any opinion since this is an important subject presently in Canada, so I felt that your reply was great, but I thought that your statement about "poor taste" was not in my value.
Apparently, I still have to learn about English but did what I feel was right even if my first intention was to congratulate you for the rest f your reply, it was nothing personal.  I'm sorry that I misunderstood your statement as you misunderstood my statement about Marisa Tomei in Paok his poll, I hope that we can put this ridiculous rivalry behind us especially when we are trying to help an IMDb user that is not in any way involved in this dispute. 

I also hope that we can avoid the use of aggressive phrases in our replies, I know that I'm often the first one to feel offended when getting contradicted, I can understand your feelings about this. 

Again, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, and I retract all offensive words that I can have said to you previously.

Just note that when I edit something, it is because I made a spelling, grammatical mistake, or that I feel uncomfortable with something that I have written, if I delete something, it is because the whole reply wasn't in my value. 

PLS, don't post them there to expose me.

2 Messages


110 Points

We need voices of reason like ADM. This country has been hijacked beyond all reason by SJW morons that don't have a clue about how to build a great nation. We will end up being a third world nation if it continues.

2 Messages


110 Points

And because someone chooses to provide truthful comments about something does that make them a racist? This is where the left has gone so far wrong. Any dissenting voice gets a label attached to it. There is no more debate about real issues. It's all about getting your way -even if it is WRONG. The FN issue in Canada is far beyond messed up yet we throw money at it like candy at kids. Someone with an IQ of 90 could figure out IT ISN'T WORKING! Yet when it's called out - RACIST! I am so sick of this SJW BS it makes me SICK!

85 Messages


3K Points

5 years ago

Craig Steven I'm sorry you feel upset, but you cannot control what filmmakers do, Adam Daniel Mezei has a right to film what you feel to be upsetting. I've seen alot of films in my life that has upset me too but there's nothing I can do about it, but what I suggest you do is forgive Adam Daniel Mezei and ignore his films if you don't like them and instead focus on watching positive films instead or serving other people. It's like what Pollyanna says, "When you look for the bad in mankind, expecting to find it, you surely will."

I live in America where free speech is a right but you can't control the consequences. Right now at this point Craig Steven I would suggest to you is make your own positive films and post them on Youtube or Vimeo or Dailymotion and make a difference in your community and move on with your life. I'm sorry I can't help you out very much but I hope my comment will help you out and get your anger calmed down, you can always do yoga to help you relieve tension, my sister helped me to overcome anger through Yoga exercise.

I hope you can find peace and forgiveness in your heart because I've been angry throughout most of my life. I did once try to control people in High School which I've found doesn't work and since then I've been trying to fix myself though positive attitude and seeking forgiveness which has been very hard on me since I'm autistic.