6 Messages


120 Points

Monday, November 20th, 2023 6:30 PM



Hi guys, 

I can't seem to find the way to add the possibility to click star ratings & add reviews to my movie. 

Can someone PLEASE help explain how do I do it? All the other movies you can go and add a review and click a star rating, but not this one. 

Thank you 



5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

10 months ago

Hi @StephG -

Is your title set as released? Does it already have a release date live?


6 Messages


120 Points

Yes it does! it releases December 1st and it premiered on November 7th at a hollywood premiere 

6 Messages


120 Points



7.2K Messages


177.7K Points

@StephG​ Please submit a release date update which removes the (premiere) attribute as that blocks ratings and reviews unless there’s another release date which is in the past.  

Also, for the 1 December date, we recommend you edit the release date and remove the “unknown” release type as presumably you know how and where it is being released at this point?  

6 Messages


120 Points

@Col_Needham - when I was adding these I did mark the release type, i'm not sure why it wasn't added (Theatrical release). I already tried to add that fix but it has not been added by imdb yet. I'll remove the other premiere date. thank you for the response. 

6 Messages


120 Points

it has been updated and is up! Thank you everyone for the help 💕 

8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

@StephG​ 😀

Tue Nov 21 2023

Holiday Twist (2023)
User Reviews
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9351856/reviews - 1 Reviews

I was fortunate enough to get into a preview of this film...


IMDb RATING 8.8/10 : 127

10  14.2% (18)
  9  61.4% (78)
  8  22.0% (28)
  7    0.0% ( 0)
  6    0.0% ( 0)
  5    0.0% ( 0)
  4    0.8% ( 1)
  3    0.0% ( 0)
  2    0.0% ( 0)
  1    1.6% ( 2)
8.8 Unweighted mean





7.2K Messages


177.7K Points

@StephG​ You wrote:

when I was adding these I did mark the release type, i'm not sure why it wasn't added (Theatrical release)

For future reference, the above is not the way to specify a theatrical release.  The release type should be chosen from the release type menu and not manually typed, as illustrated here:

[this edit has been submitted on your behalf]

For further information, see the release dates guide at https://help.imdb.com/article/contribution/titles/release-dates/GVUUDEPJNAW6G35P

Hope this helps.