39 Messages
1.5K Points
Abusing the "Helpfulness" Rating
My comment concerns the "Helpfulness" rating that others can give to a movie review. Personally, I don't care for it because so many people don't understand what it's designed for. Correct me if I am wrong but, from what I understand, it is NOT designed to indicate whether a person agrees or disagrees with a person's review or rating. Rather, it is supposed to be used to indicate whether a reader is more or less inclined to see the movie based on the review. At least, that is what I believe it is there for and again, I could be wrong. Be that as it may, I just noticed that a person has given me a negative rating on ALL of my reviews for the year. All at once. And that's okay, I suppose. I mean, everyone has a right to their opinion. Even so, this person is obviously doing it for personal reasons. For what reason is unknown to me, as I don't typically use the "helpfulness" rating that much. And when I do it is ALWAYS positive. Regardless, while I don't particularly care who it is, I was wondering if perhaps it might be best if somebody in the IMDb staff could reach out to this person and let him (or her) know what the "Helpfulness" rating is all about. Or not. The bottom line is that I don't think management is getting a clear picture from this data and the fact that people can abuse it is more of a negative factor than a positive one. Just my two cents...
Accepted Solution
1.7K Messages
18.5K Points
2 years ago
Hi james_a_burgin-
I am checking back in with updates from the ticket that I filed.
I can confirm that the team in charge has taken all the necessary action against the account that has been targeting and downvoting your reviews.
10.7K Messages
225.4K Points
2 years ago
Well, there is the probability (be it low or high) that somebody who hasn't seen a movie will read a review about it on IMDb, award a thumbs up to the review, go see the movie, and then based upon their experience with the movie, revisit the particular review to give a thumbs down; or vice versa.
1.7K Messages
18.5K Points
2 years ago
Hi james_a_burgin-
Thank you for reporting this and bringing it to our attention! I have filed a ticket (#V839527982) to the appropriate team to investigate further.
Once I have updates from them, I will post them below.