9 Messages


170 Points

Friday, May 31st, 2024 1:50 AM


A Name is spelled wrong in a black card with white writing in a gallery photo on "Light for Your Journey" - Please help!

A Name is spelled wrong in a black card with white writing in a gallery photo on "Light for Your Journey" - Please help!

I have tried deleting but could not find a button for it any where - I read the directions to take it down and could not find "delete" --

The Name Ian the black Background gallery shot is spelled wrong -- James Allen Mosely is wrong - it is spelled correctly in other places but in that black card in the photo gallery the name is spelled wrong - It should be taken out -

the black card reading James Allen Mosely is wrong - it should be MOSELEY - Thanks for anything you can do! Chris Weatherhead



7.4K Messages


275K Points

4 months ago

Chris: For clarity, it appears that you are referring to this image:


Is this image depicting a credit that was originally going to be misspelled in the film itself? If so, since the film hasn't been released yet, is the credit going to be fixed before the film is released? Or perhaps, is this just an image from the trailer that was misspelled?

Here is how I recommend submitting deletion of the image with the misspelled name.

Go to the image page at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt32166452/mediaviewer/rm2301263105/. Make sure the description appears at the bottom of the page:

Light for your Journey (2024)
© Courtesy Actors' Theater of South Carolina
If you don't see the description, click on the in a circle icon at the lower right of the screen, and you should see it then.
At the right side of the description, you should see a pencil icon and a flag icon. Click on the flag icon.
You will then get a "Report Image" box. In the box, it will ask, "Why are you reporting this image?" Click the down-arrow next to the word "Required".
Your choices will be:
  • Duplicate
  • Inappropriate
  • Incorrect name or title
  • Not relevant
  • Poor Quality
  • Copyright

For this one, I would choose "Poor Quality". Click on that. You will then be asked to provide an explanation of why the image is of poor quality. Explain where the image came from (for example, from the trailer, or from an early version of the film's credits that has since been corrected), and also explain that the image misspells the name of one of the people in the film as "James Allen Mosely" instead of "James Allen Moseley". Then click "Submit".

Hopefully someone with more experience in IMDb images will be able to back me up on this, or provide further advice. In any case, please allow a few days for the correction to be processed.

I hope this helps. Good luck!
