Dibyayan_Chakravorty's profile



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points

Saturday, April 29th, 2017 4:39 PM

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Poll Suggestions (1 Live, 2 Pending): IMDb Tourism

Which of these fictional or real places as shown on IMDb's most popular top rated movies of all time, would you most like to visit.

IMDb Tourism
List: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls069198957/#1
Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/NyAnSvGUGEY/

List 2: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls069361276/#1

List 3: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls069652909/#1

[Please Note: There may be a more lists, which I'll make after receiving points of views of our dear poll board members.]


1.4K Messages


51K Points

8 years ago

hey dib...love this idea, i just think it has to be clarified a bit...

first of all, would you mean to visit at the time the movie takes place or current day...

also, i think you need to be more specific, like in the 'star wars world'...is it dagoba or the planet hoth or where...

and one thing i'm sure most will tell you...divide the poll into two different polls...one for imaginary places...the other for real places...

i look forward to the outcome...well done...



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points

Hi Rocky,

love this idea...

Thank you.

would you mean to visit at the time the movie takes place or current day...
At the time of the movie took place.

'star wars world'...is it dagoba or the planet hoth or where...
All the places that have been shown in SW movies are included in that 'Tour Package Plan'.

one for imaginary places...the other for real places...
Thank for the suggestion. At this time I'll need some time to think about that.




4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

8 years ago

There's no apostrophe in Bates Motel.

Back to the Future also went to the past - I'd add that  - "the past or the future".

Gladiator should be "Ancient Rome" - Gladiator is not a place.

Lawrence of Arabia is in Arabia, not Arab.

Sidenote - many of these I personally don't think people would want to go (mental hospital, jail, POW camp). There are many suggestions to be made, but I don't want to take the time if you won't consider them.



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points


Thank you so much for your great suggestions.

There's no apostrophe in Bates Motel.
Back to the Future also went to the past - I'd add that  - "the past or the future".
Gladiator should be "Ancient Rome" - Gladiator is not a place.
Lawrence of Arabia is in Arabia, not Arab.
I have fixed this all. Thank you.

many of these I personally don't think people would want to go (mental hospital, jail, POW camp).

Jen, I think you misread my question. I meant to say - the particular place or the particular time as shown on those movies. For example - #10 'Mental Institution', not just any MI, but the particular MI as shown on 'One Flew...' etc.

There are many suggestions to be made, but I don't want to take the time if you won't consider them.

Thank you, but I can do that. You don't have to waste your time. I'll create the 2nd list after this poll goes live.

Just a request - Can you please provide me a better question so that people can clearly understand what I am talking about in the poll, like "the time and the place as shown in the movie...".




4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

I'll consider the question. I don't care *which* POW camp it is from any movie, I (and I'm pretty many others) would not want to go there.

In general I feel like the premise of this suggestion is just way too wide - there are millions and millions of locations from films someone *would* want to visit... You need to narrow the parameters.



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points


In general I feel like the premise of this suggestion is just way too wide - there are millions and millions of locations from films someone *would* want to visit... You need to narrow the parameters.

That is why I am concentrating only the movies of IMDb Top 250 at this time. My question says - "Which of these fictional or real places with respect to the time as shown on IMDb's most popular top rated movies of all time, would you most like to visit?"

 I don't care *which* POW camp it is from any movie, I (and I'm pretty many others) would not want to go there.
The POW camp as shown on 'The Great Escape' is now a museum, a great tourist place. Please see here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalag_Luft_III




4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

That's a museum, great. Are you basing this on places you can now visit?



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points


My poll is mixed with both real and fictional places. The real places you can visit, but for fun I am asking "the place with respect to the time as shown on the movie". What do you think about the idea?


98 Messages


1.7K Points

8 years ago

Good suggestion, so many great places to visit. I'll pick Middle Earth.



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points


Thank you!


5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

8 years ago

I didn't expect the list to be on fictional places, it's okay and the images are breathtaking but I wish the list featured movies that indirectly promoted touristic places like In Bruges or Jean de Florette.



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points


Thanks for your reply.

I have decided to make this poll to promote both the fictional and real places as shown on IMDb's top rated widely popular movies (Top 250). There is going to be one or two more lists on this. But, I'll make those after seeing the voters' response in this poll. 


5.2K Messages


138.3K Points

Would you mind if I make later a poll about movies that promoted existing places in the world?



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points

I have included some of the existing places. Actually, I was thinking to make this a two-part poll - one for real place another for fictional place. Before that I'll discuss with the poll admins about that.

At this moment I would like to request you to please let me make the suggestion.


1.4K Messages


51K Points

8 years ago

no offense dib, but i am still completely confused by the intention of your question...



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points


Please tell me which part you are not getting.

I am referring to the places also with respect to the time as shown on those movies. Here are some examples:

1. #4 River Kwai - The Bridge on the River Kwai.

Place - River Kwai
Time - At the time of making of the Burma Railway bridge

2. #7 Nazi Concentration Camps in Poland During WWII - Schindler's List.

Place - Nazi Concentration Camps in Poland
Time - During WWII


I am thinking to discuss about it with our senior poll admins.


1.4K Messages


51K Points


so what you are saying is to actually be there at the time presented in the movie, not now when it may have became a museum or tourist destination or something to that effect...
got it...thanx for the clarification...



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points


Yes, at the time which is shown in the movie.


1.9K Messages


52.5K Points

8 years ago

The Past and the Future



14.6K Messages


332.8K Points

8 years ago

It's true that the options are very broad, from specific, real places to whole imagined worlds.

About the question, I think it could be simpler:

Which of these fictional or real places from IMDb's top rated movies would you most like to visit?

You would be visiting at the time which is shown in the movie.



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points

Dear Pibby,

Thank you.

I have changed the question too:

Which of these fictional or real places from IMDb's top rated movies would you most like to visit? You would be visiting at the time which is shown in the movie.

The 2nd part list is ready and I'll have to do another (3rd) list to complete all the memorable places as shown in the IMDb Top 250 movies.

You can see my 2nd list here >> http://www.imdb.com/list/ls069361276/#1




4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

8 years ago

I still think this is not a good idea. NO ONE will want to visit a prison camp during WWII (or any other war, for that matter a prison camp EVER).



14.6K Messages


332.8K Points

Some people like to visit historical sites such as concentration camps, but it's true that visiting them while they were in use is a different story (and could hardly be called tourism).



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points


Can you please provide me a better way to represent this poll?

My intention was to make this poll more interesting by adding the time frame under each option. The time which was represented in those top rated movies.




14.6K Messages


332.8K Points

I'm not sure. If you decide to divide the list into real and fictional places, you could also have different criteria or questions. But it's up to you.



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points

7 years ago




10.2K Messages


199.6K Points

7 years ago

13 Messages


522 Points

7 years ago

To whom it may concern
The suggestion of a Concentration Camp in operation as a tourist destination is unacceptable under any circumstances. The fact that this has been allowed to be published is disturbing. I would ask this poll as a whole or at least the option of the Concentration camp be removed from the IMDb site. Thank you.



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points

Present day Holocaust Memorials and concentration camps in Germany. Used as tourist destination.

>> https://www.tripsavvy.com/holocaust-memorials-in-germany-1520059




10.2K Messages


199.6K Points


I agree with txy that the option of visiting a concentration camp in operation is inappropriate, and I apologize for not realizing it sooner.

Since you stated "You would be visiting at the time which is shown in the movie", and since the option still has zero votes, it may be best to replace it.



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points


I have asked for a re-push at poll re-push thread.




19.7K Messages


479.8K Points

Re-push done.



19.7K Messages


479.8K Points

7 years ago



10.2K Messages


199.6K Points

7 years ago


You seem to include a lot of war related options, for instance #31, #33 and #34 in the second list.

I doubt many people would want to visit an active war zone, and since you already included some in the first poll, maybe you could look for some replacements?



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points


I made this 'IMDb Tourism' project to highlight on the IMDb Top 250 Movies only at this primary stage. And in this 3 lists, I have covered the whole Top 250 list (using the movies where a particular place is shown on that movie).

Now, for options #31, #33 and #34 there are three different places have been shown.

Specially option #31, I can't remove. Because The POW camp as shown on 'The Great Escape' is now a museum, a great tourist place. Please see here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalag_Luft_III

Also, option #34, this is the hotel in present time - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%B4tel_des_Mille_Collines  known as Hôtel des Mille Collines.

Most of these are all popular tourist places. And I added the "You would be visiting at the time which is shown in the movie" part to bring some adventure feeling on the tour...!!!




10.2K Messages


199.6K Points

But you're contradicting yourself.
It doesn't matter if they are popular tourist places now, since we will be visiting at the time shown in the film.

Besides, witnessing war and suffering can hardly be called an adventure.



14.6K Messages


332.8K Points

Also, you already had to remove one option last week, so you should consider how the options might look to others.

You could just move some options from list 3 to list 2.



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points


That was a 'concentration camp' option. More sensitive issue.

I am sorry. I can not remove any options from the current list.




14.6K Messages


332.8K Points

Rwanda experienced a genocide which is sometimes compared to the Holocaust.



4.9K Messages


98.8K Points

Replaced that option with:

The World of 'Blade Runner' - The 'Blade Runner' Franchise.




19.7K Messages


479.8K Points

7 years ago

Congratulations Dibyayan_Chakravorty on your 331st live poll!
As of 16-Nov-2017 12:48 AM Pacific your polls have 911,609 or more votes, for an average of 2,754 votes per poll.

5863rd Live Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/NyAnSvGUGEY/

This is the 1,731st Image poll. Such polls have a total of 3,467,940 votes for an average of 2,003 votes per poll.

- - -
Total Number of Votes			13,833,242
Projected Date of 15 Million Votes 18-May-2018
Days Until 15 Million Votes 184
- - -

This is the list of Dibyayan_Chakravorty's polls as of 3-Nov-2017:

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7.7K Messages


194.8K Points

7 years ago

I looove this idea. 'Great list so it will be tough to choose just one but right now Tehran is edging out the others. 'Great poll. 

'No need for the colon between "part" and "II" but that's just me being annoyingly nit-picky grammar  police, lol.