urbanemovies's profile

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164.6K Points

Thursday, April 18th, 2024 5:59 AM

LIVE POLL: Favorite Movie Stoner Duo Potrayal

The date 4/20 is celebrated by marijuana smokers in the United States and around the globe as Weed Day. It serves as an appropriate time to appreciate the stoner film subgenre, its evolution and the influence of its movies throughout filmdom. The film group even has its own genre-specific awards that were created by the magazine, High Times, called the Stony Awards. The "Stonys" celebrate notable stoner films and television, recognize individual performances and reward lifetime achievement, with winners receiving a bong-shaped trophy.

The most common shared element within the subgenre is the marijuana theme, where recreational use often drives the plot. While stoner crossover films exist, many stoner movies tend to be comedic in nature. These stoner comedies involve protagonists who have marijuana, are attempting to find marijuana, or have some other weed-related task to complete. Often, the main protagonists are two friends and the plot is a variation on the traditional buddy film with its weed-influenced spin.

Which of these select depicted or implied movie stoner duos is your favorite pairing*?

* single film installment or an entire movie franchise portrayal

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/bXwhF3eOkVo/

Poll List: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls060992995/

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

9 months ago

Honorable Mention/Possible Inclusion Movie Stoner Duos

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

9 months ago

Poll Relevance and Stoner Film Subgenre Credibility

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

9 months ago

Tentative Answer Pool & Backups Based on Stoner Defintion



10.1K Messages


197.9K Points

9 months ago

The discussion link doesn't go to this thread.



7K Messages


121.2K Points

9 months ago

Live Poll: https://www.imdb.com/poll/bXwhF3eOkVo/

Congratulations Urb

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

@Pencho15​ Thanks



10.1K Messages


197.9K Points


Typo #5: William S. Preston, Esq. & Theodore Logan

10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

@Jessica​ Thanks, nice catch.

I corrected the name to the correct version, Theodore Logan.


10.1K Messages


164.6K Points

@Jessica​ It was worthwhile to get it right. Plus, I saw a formatting issue that I fixed as well.